Област на знанието: Регионална икономика. Териториална икономика. Поземлена собственост. Икономика на недвижимата собственост

Сигнатура: 332/FAO DL/Пр II 161 ; 3

Respecting free, prior and informed consent [Текст] : Practical guidance for governments, companies, NGOs, indigenous peoples and local communities in relation to land acquisition,  2014

Анотация: This technical guide on Respecting free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) sets out practical actions for government agencies to respect and protect FPIC and for civil society organizations, land users and private investors globally to comply with their responsibilities in relation to FPIC, as endorsed by the Guidelines. (fao.org)

Серия: Governance of tenure technical guide, 3

Предметни рубрики: земеползване ; земеделски земи - право на ползване


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Respecting free, prior and informed consent [Текст : електронен ресурс без устройство] : Practical guidance for governments, companies, NGOs, indigenous peoples and local communities in relation to land acquisition,  2014

Анотация: This technical guide on Respecting free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) sets out practical actions for government agencies to respect and protect FPIC and for civil society organizations, land users and private investors globally to comply with their responsibilities in relation to FPIC, as endorsed by the Guidelines. (fao.org)

Серия: Governance of tenure technical guide, 3

Предметни рубрики: земеползване ; земеделски земи - право на ползване

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i3496e.pdf


Област на знанието: Диетика. Хигиена на храненето

Сигнатура: 613.2/FAO DL G 94/II 3500

Guidelines for assessing nutrition-related [Текст] : knowledge, attitudes and practices : KAP manual,  2014

Анотация: The manual is written for people in charge of planning, implementing and evaluating food security and nutrition projects; these include project managers, nutritionists, health workers, planning and evaluation specialists and many others. The manual includes definitions and key indicators for nutrition- and health-related knowledge, attitudes and practices. It provides useful guidance for planning and conducting a KAP survey, and for analysing and reporting the survey results. The manual also provides model questionnaires (modules). These can be used to facilitate thedesign of KAP survey questionnaires. Using them contributes to the standardization of KAPstudies and the comparability of their results. The modules comprise predefined questionsthat capture information on critical knowledge, attitudes and practices related to most common nutrition topics (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: хранене ; здравословно хранене – проучване ; анкета


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Guidelines for assessing nutrition-related [Текст : електронен ресурс без устройство] : knowledge, attitudes and practices : KAP manual,  2014

Анотация: The manual is written for people in charge of planning, implementing and evaluating food security and nutrition projects; these include project managers, nutritionists, health workers, planning and evaluation specialists and many others. The manual includes definitions and key indicators for nutrition- and health-related knowledge, attitudes and practices. It provides useful guidance for planning and conducting a KAP survey, and for analysing and reporting the survey results. The manual also provides model questionnaires (modules). These can be used to facilitate thedesign of KAP survey questionnaires. Using them contributes to the standardization of KAPstudies and the comparability of their results. The modules comprise predefined questionsthat capture information on critical knowledge, attitudes and practices related to most common nutrition topics (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: хранене ; здравословно хранене – проучване ; анкета

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3545e/i3545e.pdf



Област на знанието: Санитарна инспекция и контрол

Сигнатура: 614.31/FAO DL/Пр 639 ; 23

Multicriteria-based ranking for risk management of food-born parasites [Текст] : Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting, 3-7 September 2012, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy,  2014

Анотация: The parasites affect the health of millions of people every year, infecting muscle tissues and organs, causing epilepsy, anaphylactic shock, amoebic dysentery and other problems. Some can live on in our bodies for decades. Despite their huge social costs and global impacts, information is generally lacking regarding just where these parasites come from, how they live in the human body, and most importantly how they make us sick. As a first step in tackling the problem, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) are initially focusing on the ten food borne parasites with the greatest global impact. The rankings contained in today's FAO-WHO report, Multicriteria-based ranking for risk management of food-borne parasites, are based on the parasites' burden on human health and other factors, and includes information on where they can be found. (fao.org)

Серия: Microbiological Risk Assessment Series, ISSN: 1726-5274, 23

Предметни рубрики: храни – санитарен контрол ; управление на риска ; паразити ; Taenia solium ; Echinococcus granulosus ; Echinococcus multilocularis ; Toxoplasma gondii ; Cryptosporidium spp. ; Entamoeba histolytica ; Trichinella spiralis ; Opisthorchiidae ; Ascaris spp. ; Trypanosoma cruzi


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Multicriteria-based ranking for risk management of food-born parasites [Òåêñò : åëåêòðîíåí ðåñóðñ áåç óñòðîéñòâî] : Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting, 3-7 September 2012, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy,  2014

Анотация: The parasites affect the health of millions of people every year, infecting muscle tissues and organs, causing epilepsy, anaphylactic shock, amoebic dysentery and other problems. Some can live on in our bodies for decades. Despite their huge social costs and global impacts, information is generally lacking regarding just where these parasites come from, how they live in the human body, and most importantly how they make us sick. As a first step in tackling the problem, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) are initially focusing on the ten food borne parasites with the greatest global impact. The rankings contained in today's FAO-WHO report, Multicriteria-based ranking for risk management of food-borne parasites, are based on the parasites' burden on human health and other factors, and includes information on where they can be found. (fao.org)

Серия: Microbiological Risk Assessment Series, ISSN: 1726-5274, 23

Предметни рубрики: храни – санитарен контрол ; управление на риска ; паразити ; Taenia solium ; Echinococcus granulosus ; Echinococcus multilocularis ; Toxoplasma gondii ; Cryptosporidium spp. ; Entamoeba histolytica ; Trichinella spiralis ; Opisthorchiidae ; Ascaris spp. ; Trypanosoma cruzi

Пълен текст: http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/a-i3649e.pdf


Сигнатура: 632.95/FAO DL/Пр 590 ; 219

Pesticide residues in food 2013 [Text] : Report of the Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO Core Assessment Group on Pesticide Residues Geneva, Switzerland, From 17 to 26 September 2013,  2014

Анотация: The annual Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO Core Assessment Group on Pesticide Residues was held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 17 to 26 September 2013. The FAO Panel of Experts had met in preparatory sessions from 6 to 10 September. The Meeting was held in pursuance of recommendations made by previous Meetings and accepted by the governing bodies of FAO and WHO that studies should be undertaken jointly by experts to evaluate possible hazards to humans arising from the occurrence of pesticide residues in foods. During the meeting the FAO Panel of Experts was responsible for reviewing pesticide use patterns (use of good agricultural practices), data on the chemistry and composition of the pesticides and methods of analysis for pesticide residues and for estimating the maximum residue levels that might occur as a result of the use of the pesticides according to good agricultural use practices. The WHO Core Assessment Group was responsible for reviewing toxicological and related data and for estimating, where possible and appropriate, acceptable daily intakes (ADIs) and acute reference doses (ARfDs) of the pesticides for humans. This report contains information on ADIs, ARfDs, maximum residue levels, and general principles for the evaluation of pesticides. The recommendations of the Joint Meeting, including further research and information, are proposed for use by Member governments of the respective agencies and other interested parties. (fao.org)

Серия: FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper, ISSN: 0259-2517, № 219

Предметни рубрики: храни - пестициди – остатъци ; околна среда - замърсяване


Сигнатура: 614.31/FAO DL V 88/31323

Voluntary Standards for Sustainable Food Systems: Challenges and Opportunities [Текст] : а Workshop of the FAO/UNEP Programme on Sustainable Food Systems, 11-12 June 2013,  2014

Анотация: The workshop will try to answer five crucial questions that could facilitate the uptake and scaling-up of VSS: how to make them work for farmers and small food producers; how can VSS be used to enable green trade opportunities, particularly in agri-food products not currently using VSS; how to make them work for consumers globally; how to make it work for the private sector; and what is the role for public actors. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: храни - безопасност – стандарти ; селскостопански продукти ; устойчиво развитие


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Voluntary Standards for Sustainable Food Systems: Challenges and Opportunities [Текст] : а Workshop of the FAO/UNEP Programme on Sustainable Food Systems, 11-12 June 2013,  2014

Анотация: The workshop will try to answer five crucial questions that could facilitate the uptake and scaling-up of VSS: how to make them work for farmers and small food producers; how can VSS be used to enable green trade opportunities, particularly in agri-food products not currently using VSS; how to make them work for consumers globally; how to make it work for the private sector; and what is the role for public actors. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: храни - безопасност – стандарти ; селскостопански продукти ; устойчиво развитие

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3421e/i3421e.pdf


Област на знанието: Горско стопанство

Сигнатура: 630/FAO DL P 84/31324

Poplars and willows [Text] : trees for society and the environment [Текст],  2014

Анотация: Poplars and willows, the members of the Salicaceae family, are trees and shrubs with many valuable characteristics which have led to multiple beneficial uses for society and the environment. The accumulated global knowledge and information on poplars and willows could fill many volumes. The forthcoming book offers a worldwide overview and guide to the basic characteristics, cultivation and use of poplars and willows, as well as issues, problems and trends relating to them. It synthesizes the latest knowledge and technology in current research on poplars and willows, linking these to implementation achievements to meet sustainable livelihoods, land-use and development. It greatly expands the scope of previous publications, to include more information on willows, thorough and up-to-date treatment of taxonomic and classification issues, more global reporting, and evaluation of applications to provide industrial, environmental, social and economic development benefits. Looking to the future, the book is offered in the belief that poplars and willows, as trees for society and for the environment, can help us move forward sustainably and on a sound scientific basis. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: горско стопанство ; залесяване ; залесяване, изкуствено ; дървета, бързорастящи ; топола ; върба


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Poplars and willows [Text] : trees for society and the environment [Текст : електронен ресурс без устройство],  2014

Анотация: Poplars and willows, the members of the Salicaceae family, are trees and shrubs with many valuable characteristics which have led to multiple beneficial uses for society and the environment. The accumulated global knowledge and information on poplars and willows could fill many volumes. The forthcoming book offers a worldwide overview and guide to the basic characteristics, cultivation and use of poplars and willows, as well as issues, problems and trends relating to them. It synthesizes the latest knowledge and technology in current research on poplars and willows, linking these to implementation achievements to meet sustainable livelihoods, land-use and development. It greatly expands the scope of previous publications, to include more information on willows, thorough and up-to-date treatment of taxonomic and classification issues, more global reporting, and evaluation of applications to provide industrial, environmental, social and economic development benefits. Looking to the future, the book is offered in the belief that poplars and willows, as trees for society and for the environment, can help us move forward sustainably and on a sound scientific basis. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: горско стопанство ; залесяване ; залесяване, изкуствено ; дървета, бързорастящи ; топола ; върба

Пълен текст: http://www.cabi.org/environmentalimpact/FullTextPDF/2014/20143048413.pdf



Област на знанието: Животновъдство

Сигнатура: 636.082/FAO D/cПр 660 ; 14

In vivo conservation of animal genetic resources [Текст],  2013

Анотация: In vivo conservation encompasses a range of actions that can be taken to ensure the survival of livestock breeds or populations that are threatened with extinction. These guidelines address both in situ conservation (supporting the continued use of threatened breeds in the livestock production systems where they have traditionally been raised) and ex situ conservation (maintenance of populations at sites such as conservation farms and zoos). As well as providing a wealth of information on breeding strategies for small at-risk populations, the guidelines provide advice on how to develop an effective and well-targeted national conservation strategy.  (fao.org)

Серия: FAO Animal Production and Health Guidelines, ISSN: 1810-0708, № 14

Предметни рубрики: животни ; животни, застрашени - опазване ; популации - риск


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

In vivo conservation of animal genetic resources [Текст : електронен ресурс без устройство],  2013

Анотация: In vivo conservation encompasses a range of actions that can be taken to ensure the survival of livestock breeds or populations that are threatened with extinction. These guidelines address both in situ conservation (supporting the continued use of threatened breeds in the livestock production systems where they have traditionally been raised) and ex situ conservation (maintenance of populations at sites such as conservation farms and zoos). As well as providing a wealth of information on breeding strategies for small at-risk populations, the guidelines provide advice on how to develop an effective and well-targeted national conservation strategy.  (fao.org)

Серия: FAO Animal Production and Health Guidelines, ISSN: 1810-0708, № 14

Предметни рубрики: животни ; животни, застрашени - опазване ; популации - риск

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/018/i3327e/i3327e.pdf


Сигнатура: 636/FAO DL W 83/31325

World Livestock 2013 [Текст] : changing disease landscapes,  2013

Анотация: FAO's new study focuses in particular on how changes in the way humans raise and trade animals have affected the way how diseases emerge and spread. The report, therefore, advocates the One Health approach - looking at the interplay between environmental factors, animal health, and human health and bringing human health professionals, veterinary specialists, sociologists, economists, and ecologists together to work on disease issues within a holistic framework. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: животновъдство ; зоонози - света


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

World Livestock 2013 [Текст : електронен ресурс без устройство] : changing disease landscapes,  2013

Анотация: FAO's new study focuses in particular on how changes in the way humans raise and trade animals have affected the way how diseases emerge and spread. The report, therefore, advocates the One Health approach - looking at the interplay between environmental factors, animal health, and human health and bringing human health professionals, veterinary specialists, sociologists, economists, and ecologists together to work on disease issues within a holistic framework. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: животновъдство ; зоонози - света

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3440e/i3440e.pdf



Област на знанието: Лов. Рибно стопанство. Риболовство

Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL/Пр II 156 ; 1086

Developing new approaches to global stock status assessment and fishery production potential of the seas [Text],  2014

Анотация: FAO has been monitoring the state of the world's marine fish stocks since 1974, and it periodically produces the most authoritative report on the subject - The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture. Information on the state of fishery sustainability is not only important for policy formulation, but also crucial to guide the fishing industry and its managers to develop effective harvest strategies. Moreover, sustainable fisheries require healthy ecosystems. To monitor ecosystem health, it is necessary to conduct ecosystem-level assessments that take into consideration both targeted and non-targeted species, interspecies interactions, and other factors that cannot be determined by looking at each stock in isolation. With these objectives, the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department of the FAO commissioned a study - Developing New Approaches to Global Stock Status Assessment and Fishery Production Potential of the Seas. This circular presents the results of the study. It consists of two parts. Part 1 focuses on determining single-stock status and summarizes the results of simulation testing of four methods that can be applied to data-poor fisheries. Part 2 reports the results on the estimation of ecosystem-level production potentials based on satellite-based estimates of primary productivity. (fao.org)

Серия: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular, ISSN: 2070-6065, № 1086

Предметни рубрики: риболовство ; риболов, морски ; рибни запаси ; рибни ресурси ; устойчиво рибарство ; устойчиво развитие ; екосистеми, морски


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Developing new approaches to global stock status assessment and fishery production potential of the seas [Текст : електроненресурс безустройство],  2014

Анотация: FAO has been monitoring the state of the world's marine fish stocks since 1974, and it periodically produces the most authoritative report on the subject - The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture. Information on the state of fishery sustainability is not only important for policy formulation, but also crucial to guide the fishing industry and its managers to develop effective harvest strategies. Moreover, sustainable fisheries require healthy ecosystems. To monitor ecosystem health, it is necessary to conduct ecosystem-level assessments that take into consideration both targeted and non-targeted species, interspecies interactions, and other factors that cannot be determined by looking at each stock in isolation. With these objectives, the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department of the FAO commissioned a study - Developing New Approaches to Global Stock Status Assessment and Fishery Production Potential of the Seas. This circular presents the results of the study. It consists of two parts. Part 1 focuses on determining single-stock status and summarizes the results of simulation testing of four methods that can be applied to data-poor fisheries. Part 2 reports the results on the estimation of ecosystem-level production potentials based on satellite-based estimates of primary productivity. (fao.org)

Серия: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular, ISSN: 2070-6065, № 1086

Предметни рубрики: риболовство ; риболов, морски ; рибни запаси ; рибни ресурси ; устойчиво рибарство ; устойчиво развитие ; екосистеми, морски

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3491e/i3491e.pdf


Сигнатура: 639.2(262)/FAO DL/Пр 634 ; 37

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean [Текст] : report of the thirty-seventh session, Split Croatia 13-17 May 2013,  2014

Анотация: This document is the final version of the report adopted in Split during the thirty-seventh session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) on 17 May 2013. Among the measures adopted this year by the Commission a recommendation on a multiannual management plan and on transitional conservation measures for fisheries of small pelagic stocks in the Adriatic Sea has set actions aimed at minimizing the threat of overfishing and stock decline and encouraging the sustainable exploitation of these important target species while maintaining stable yields. (fao.org)

Серия: General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean : Report, ISSN: 1020-7236, 37

Предметни рубрики: риболовство ; риболов, морски ; рибни запаси ; рибни ресурси ; устойчиво рибарство ; устойчиво развитие ; екосистеми, морски ; Средидемноморе ; Адриатическо море – пелагични риби – запаси - опазване


Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL I 56/II 3499

Implementation Guidelines on Part B of the Code, the Voluntary Guidelines and the Safety Recommendations [Text],  2014

Анотация: The Implementation Guidelines are intended for the attention of maritime, labour and fisheries ministries and any other relevant government ministry as and when it is decided to implement the three FAO/ILO/IMO instruments on the design, construction and equipment of fishing vessels of all types and sizes. Those instruments are Part B of the Code of Safety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels, the Voluntary Guidelines for the Design, Construction and Equipment of Small Fishing Vessels, and the Safety Recommendations for Decked Fishing Vessels of Less than 12 metres in Length and Undecked Fishing Vessels. While the intention is not to provide a single prescription to improve safety, the Guidelines do seek to raise awareness and offer guidance on a broad range of issues which must be addressed in an effective and holistic manner. In this regard, the cooperation and coordination between maritime, labour and fisheries administrations is important, particularly where the responsibilities for safety of fishing vessels are divided under relevant Acts. The Implementation Guidelines cover areas such as: development of a safety strategy; legal implications; administrative requirements; capacity-building; training of crew members; enforcement of regulations; and operational safety.Although the main purpose of the Implementation Guidelines is to assist competent authorities in the implementation of voluntary instruments, it could also be useful when implementing the provisions of the Cape Town Agreement of 2012 on the Implementation of the Provisions of the 1993 Protocol relating to the Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels, 1977. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: риболовство ; риболов, морски ; риболовни съдове ; риболовни съдове без палуба ; риболовни кораби – проектиране ; изграждане ; оборудване ; безопасност


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Implementation Guidelines on Part B of the Code, the Voluntary Guidelines and the Safety Recommendations [Текст : електронен ресурс без устройство],  2014

Анотация: The Implementation Guidelines are intended for the attention of maritime, labour and fisheries ministries and any other relevant government ministry as and when it is decided to implement the three FAO/ILO/IMO instruments on the design, construction and equipment of fishing vessels of all types and sizes. Those instruments are Part B of the Code of Safety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels, the Voluntary Guidelines for the Design, Construction and Equipment of Small Fishing Vessels, and the Safety Recommendations for Decked Fishing Vessels of Less than 12 metres in Length and Undecked Fishing Vessels. While the intention is not to provide a single prescription to improve safety, the Guidelines do seek to raise awareness and offer guidance on a broad range of issues which must be addressed in an effective and holistic manner. In this regard, the cooperation and coordination between maritime, labour and fisheries administrations is important, particularly where the responsibilities for safety of fishing vessels are divided under relevant Acts. The Implementation Guidelines cover areas such as: development of a safety strategy; legal implications; administrative requirements; capacity-building; training of crew members; enforcement of regulations; and operational safety.Although the main purpose of the Implementation Guidelines is to assist competent authorities in the implementation of voluntary instruments, it could also be useful when implementing the provisions of the Cape Town Agreement of 2012 on the Implementation of the Provisions of the 1993 Protocol relating to the Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels, 1977. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: риболовство ; риболов, морски ; риболовни съдове ; риболовни съдове без палуба ; риболовни кораби – проектиране ; изграждане ; оборудване ; безопасност

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3662e/i3662e.pdf


Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL/Пр II 142 ; 579

Inland fisheries evolution and management [Текст] : case studies from four continents,  2014

Анотация: In 2009, inland fisheries produced some 10а millionа tonnes of fish. Despite their importance to rural communities, especially in the least-developed countries, little attention has been paid to this sector in recent years. As a result, there is a deficit in management of the fisheries and also an increasing threat to freshwater by a number of non-fishery users of the aquatic resource. As part of an effort to raise awareness of the problems facing inland fisheries and to examine more closely the various issues, this document reviews four of the worldТs best-documented inland fisheries: the Amazon, Lake Constance, the Mekong and Lake Victoria. These represent two lake fisheries and two river fisheries drawn from a wide geographical sampleаЦ Africa, Asia, South America and Europe. This technical paper draws conclusions from the four case studies and more general experience as to some of the main issues facing inland fisheries. Inland fishery statistics are generally are very poor, so knowledge of the actual contribution of the sector to food security is not known. Nevertheless, inland fisheries employ about 56а million people directly and indirectly. The state of the stocks of fish in many fisheries is not known ecause of the low level of research across the many rivers and lakes. However, it is understood that, in many cases, the main driver of the fish assemblages is not the way in which the fishery is managed but rather the state of the environment as acted upon by other human uses. This means that mechanisms are needed to improve both management of fisheries through forms of comanagement and collaboration at the national and international level between agencies responsible for the management of the aquatic resource in general. (fao.org)

Серия: FAO fisheries and aquaculture technical paper, ISSN: 2070-7010, № 579

Предметни рубрики: риболовство ; риболов, сладководен ; водоеми, вътрешни ; Амазонка, река ; Констанс, езеро ; Виктория, езеро ; Меконг, река ; водни ресурси ; рибни ресурси ; управление


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Inland fisheries evolution and management [Текст : електронен ресурс без устройство] : case studies from four continents,  2014

Анотация: In 2009, inland fisheries produced some 10а millionа tonnes of fish. Despite their importance to rural communities, especially in the least-developed countries, little attention has been paid to this sector in recent years. As a result, there is a deficit in management of the fisheries and also an increasing threat to freshwater by a number of non-fishery users of the aquatic resource. As part of an effort to raise awareness of the problems facing inland fisheries and to examine more closely the various issues, this document reviews four of the worldТs best-documented inland fisheries: the Amazon, Lake Constance, the Mekong and Lake Victoria. These represent two lake fisheries and two river fisheries drawn from a wide geographical sampleаЦ Africa, Asia, South America and Europe. This technical paper draws conclusions from the four case studies and more general experience as to some of the main issues facing inland fisheries. Inland fishery statistics are generally are very poor, so knowledge of the actual contribution of the sector to food security is not known. Nevertheless, inland fisheries employ about 56а million people directly and indirectly. The state of the stocks of fish in many fisheries is not known ecause of the low level of research across the many rivers and lakes. However, it is understood that, in many cases, the main driver of the fish assemblages is not the way in which the fishery is managed but rather the state of the environment as acted upon by other human uses. This means that mechanisms are needed to improve both management of fisheries through forms of comanagement and collaboration at the national and international level between agencies responsible for the management of the aquatic resource in general. (fao.org)

Серия: FAO fisheries and aquaculture technical paper, ISSN: 2070-7010, № 579

Предметни рубрики: риболовство ; риболов, сладководен ; водоеми, вътрешни ; Амазонка, река ; Констанс, езеро ; Виктория, езеро ; Меконг, река ; водни ресурси ; рибни ресурси ; управление

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3572e/i3572e.pdf


Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL/Пр II 142 ; 583

On-farm feeding and feed management in aquaculture [Текст],  2013

Анотация: This technical paper provides a comprehensive review of on-farm feeding and feed management practices in aquaculture. It comprises of a) ten case studies on feeding and feed management practices carried out in seven selected countries of Asia and Africa for eight species that belong to four major farmed species of freshwater finfish and shellfish; b) an analysis of the findings of the above ten case studies and a separately published case study for Indian major carps carried out in India; c) ten invited specialist reviews on feed management practices from regional and global perspectives; and d) an overview of the current status of feed management practices. The country-specific case studies were carried out for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in China, Thailand, the Philippines, Egypt and Ghana; Indian major carps [rohu (Labeo rohita), catla (Catla catla) and mrigal (Cirrhinus cirrhosus)] in India and Bangladesh, giant river prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Bangladesh, striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) and white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in Viet Nam and black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in India. The broad thematic areas that were addressed in these case studies and invited reviews are: i) current feed types (including fertilizers) and their use in semi-intensive and intensive farming systems; ii) on-farm feed production and management; iii) feeding and feed management strategies, feed procurement, transportation and storage; iv) environmental, economic, regulatory and legal frameworks of feeding and feed management practices; and iv) identification of research needs. Based on the information presented in the eleven case studies, ten specialist reviews and from other relevant publications, an overview paper presents concluding remarks and recommendations on some of the major issues and constraints in optimizing feed production, use and management. (fao.org)

Серия: FAO fisheries and aquaculture technical paper, ISSN: 2070-7010, № 583

Предметни рубрики: риболовство ; рибарство ; аквакултури ; риби – хранене - фуражи


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

On-farm feeding and feed management in aquaculture [Текст : електронен ресурс без устройство],  2013

Анотация: This technical paper provides a comprehensive review of on-farm feeding and feed management practices in aquaculture. It comprises of a) ten case studies on feeding and feed management practices carried out in seven selected countries of Asia and Africa for eight species that belong to four major farmed species of freshwater finfish and shellfish; b) an analysis of the findings of the above ten case studies and a separately published case study for Indian major carps carried out in India; c) ten invited specialist reviews on feed management practices from regional and global perspectives; and d) an overview of the current status of feed management practices. The country-specific case studies were carried out for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in China, Thailand, the Philippines, Egypt and Ghana; Indian major carps [rohu (Labeo rohita), catla (Catla catla) and mrigal (Cirrhinus cirrhosus)] in India and Bangladesh, giant river prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Bangladesh, striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) and white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in Viet Nam and black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in India. The broad thematic areas that were addressed in these case studies and invited reviews are: i) current feed types (including fertilizers) and their use in semi-intensive and intensive farming systems; ii) on-farm feed production and management; iii) feeding and feed management strategies, feed procurement, transportation and storage; iv) environmental, economic, regulatory and legal frameworks of feeding and feed management practices; and iv) identification of research needs. Based on the information presented in the eleven case studies, ten specialist reviews and from other relevant publications, an overview paper presents concluding remarks and recommendations on some of the major issues and constraints in optimizing feed production, use and management. (fao.org)

Серия: FAO fisheries and aquaculture technical paper, ISSN: 2070-7010, № 583

Предметни рубрики: риболовство ; рибарство ; аквакултури ; риби – хранене - фуражи

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3481e/i3481e.pdf


Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL/Пр II 143 ; 1063

Report of FAO Expert Workshop on Assessment and Monitoring of Aquaculture Sector Performance [Text], Gaeta, Italy, 5-7 November 2012,  2014

Анотация: The FAO Expert Workshop on Assessment and Monitoring of Aquaculture Sector Performance was held in Gaeta, Italy, from 5 to 7 November 2012 to discuss the methodologies and techniques of, and to share global, regional and national experiences in, assessing and monitoring the performance of aquaculture. Session 1 of the workshop included 28 presentations under 6 thematic topics: sharing regional and national experiences; data and statistics; aquacultureÒs contribution to food and nutrition security; economic performance of aquaculture; environmental performance of aquaculture; and measuring the net impact of aquaculture. The information, knowledge and insights provided by the resentations are summarized in an appendix to the report. Session 2 of the workshop introduced an FAO initiative for developing a user-friendly tool to facilitate the assessment and monitoring of aquaculture sector performance. The World Aquaculture Performance Indicators (WAPI) tool is intended to compile, generate and provide easy access to quantitative indicators on aquaculture sector performance at the national, regional and global levels. A background document on the WAPI tool is provided in an appendix to this report. A prototype WAPI tool was presented at the workshop for comments, suggestions and potential collaboration. The report documents the feedback of workshop participants on the draft WAPI. Session 3 of the workshop included brainstorming discussions by working groups on three thematic topics: aquacultureÒs contribution to food and nutrition security; its socio-economic performance; and its environmental performance. Tables in the report summarize the results of these discussions The report also summarizes a number of indicators on various dimensions of aquaculture sector performance and various data sources. Effective assessment and monitoring of aquaculture sector performance entails integration of indicators, data and issues as three key elements. The summary at the end of the report discusses how the WAPI tool can facilitate such integration. (fao.org)

Серия: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report, ISSN: 2070-6987, № 1063

Предметни рубрики: аквакултури ; риба ; рибни продукти ; храни ; хранителни продукти ; хигиена ; безопасност


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Report of FAO Expert Workshop on Assessment and Monitoring of Aquaculture Sector Performance [Текст : електронен ресурс без устройство], Gaeta, Italy, 5-7 November 2012,  2014

Анотация: The FAO Expert Workshop on Assessment and Monitoring of Aquaculture Sector Performance was held in Gaeta, Italy, from 5 to 7 November 2012 to discuss the methodologies and techniques of, and to share global, regional and national experiences in, assessing and monitoring the performance of aquaculture. Session 1 of the workshop included 28 presentations under 6 thematic topics: sharing regional and national experiences; data and statistics; aquacultureÒs contribution to food and nutrition security; economic performance of aquaculture; environmental performance of aquaculture; and measuring the net impact of aquaculture. The information, knowledge and insights provided by the resentations are summarized in an appendix to the report. Session 2 of the workshop introduced an FAO initiative for developing a user-friendly tool to facilitate the assessment and monitoring of aquaculture sector performance. The World Aquaculture Performance Indicators (WAPI) tool is intended to compile, generate and provide easy access to quantitative indicators on aquaculture sector performance at the national, regional and global levels. A background document on the WAPI tool is provided in an appendix to this report. A prototype WAPI tool was presented at the workshop for comments, suggestions and potential collaboration. The report documents the feedback of workshop participants on the draft WAPI. Session 3 of the workshop included brainstorming discussions by working groups on three thematic topics: aquacultureÒs contribution to food and nutrition security; its socio-economic performance; and its environmental performance. Tables in the report summarize the results of these discussions The report also summarizes a number of indicators on various dimensions of aquaculture sector performance and various data sources. Effective assessment and monitoring of aquaculture sector performance entails integration of indicators, data and issues as three key elements. The summary at the end of the report discusses how the WAPI tool can facilitate such integration. (fao.org)

Серия: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report, ISSN: 2070-6987, № 1063

Предметни рубрики: аквакултури ; риба ; рибни продукти ; храни ; хранителни продукти ; хигиена ; безопасност

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3539e/i3539e.pdf


Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL/Пр II 144 ; 32

Strengthening Organizations and Collective Action in Fisheries [Text] : a way forward in implementing the international guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries FAO Workshop, 18-20 March 2013, Rome,  2014

Анотация: This document provides a summary of the presentation, discussions, conclusions and recommendations of the workshop on Strengthening Organizations and Collective Action in Fisheries: a way forward in implementing the international guidelines for securing sustainable small-scale fisheries, held on 18-20 March 2013 in Rome, Italy. (fao.org)

Серия: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings, ISSN: 2070-6103, № 32

Предметни рубрики: риболовство ; риболов, дребномащабен ; устойчиво развитие


Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL/Пр II 142 ; 581

Value chain dynamics and the small-scale sector [Текст]^bpolicy recommendations for small-scale fisheries and aquaculture trade,  2014

Анотация: This technical paper focuses primarily on price transmissions in small-scale and large-scale fishery and aquaculture value chains in 14а developed and developing countries. Although the study is focused on the small-scale sector, both the small-scale and large-scale sectors were analysed in order to demonstrate differences between the two. The document begins with an overview of the entire project and its global implications, reviewing the importance of fisheries and aquaculture to livelihoods, food security and trade as well as the rationale for value chain analysis. It then presents detailed and summarized country-specific information on the research and analysis conducted, presenting analysis methodology, findings and policy recommendations within each country. An additional section focuses on women, summarizing their significant role in fishery and aquaculture value chains in selected countries. Finally, the document outlines the general findings and policy recommendations that emerged as key themes across all value chains analysed. The main findings across case studies are that, relative to other players in the value chain, small-scale fishers and fish farmers are receiving the smallest economic benefits for their products. Processors and retail markets were found to be receiving more of the distributional benefits of the value chain owing to their stronger bargaining power. Following this, the policy recommendations made aim to safeguard the interests of small-scale fishers and fish farmers by enabling them to obtain prices and margins that let them achieve long-term sustainability from an economic, social and biological resource perspective. The policy ecommendations presented generally relate to increased governmental, NGO and private-sector support, improved organization, consistent pricing methods and making pricing more transparent, the sustainable expansion of small-scale fish farming, an increased focus on promotion and marketing, and the exploration of new markets. However, the report cautions that sustainable resource management and better regulatory framework practices are a necessary condition for small-scale value chains to be sustained. It also highlights the crucial need to always consider and safeguard the impact that increasing trade will have on local food security. (fao.org)

Серия: FAO fisheries and aquaculture technical paper, ISSN: 2070-7010, №581

Предметни рубрики: риболовство ; рибарство ; рибовъдство ; риболов, дребномащабен ; рибни продукти – пазари – цени – Развиващи се страни; маркетинг ; търговия ; ценообразуване; джендър


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Value chain dynamics and the small-scale sector [Текст]^bpolicy recommendations for small-scale fisheries and aquaculture trade,  2014

Анотация: This technical paper focuses primarily on price transmissions in small-scale and large-scale fishery and aquaculture value chains in 14а developed and developing countries. Although the study is focused on the small-scale sector, both the small-scale and large-scale sectors were analysed in order to demonstrate differences between the two. The document begins with an overview of the entire project and its global implications, reviewing the importance of fisheries and aquaculture to livelihoods, food security and trade as well as the rationale for value chain analysis. It then presents detailed and summarized country-specific information on the research and analysis conducted, presenting analysis methodology, findings and policy recommendations within each country. An additional section focuses on women, summarizing their significant role in fishery and aquaculture value chains in selected countries. Finally, the document outlines the general findings and policy recommendations that emerged as key themes across all value chains analysed. The main findings across case studies are that, relative to other players in the value chain, small-scale fishers and fish farmers are receiving the smallest economic benefits for their products. Processors and retail markets were found to be receiving more of the distributional benefits of the value chain owing to their stronger bargaining power. Following this, the policy recommendations made aim to safeguard the interests of small-scale fishers and fish farmers by enabling them to obtain prices and margins that let them achieve long-term sustainability from an economic, social and biological resource perspective. The policy ecommendations presented generally relate to increased governmental, NGO and private-sector support, improved organization, consistent pricing methods and making pricing more transparent, the sustainable expansion of small-scale fish farming, an increased focus on promotion and marketing, and the exploration of new markets. However, the report cautions that sustainable resource management and better regulatory framework practices are a necessary condition for small-scale value chains to be sustained. It also highlights the crucial need to always consider and safeguard the impact that increasing trade will have on local food security. (fao.org)

Серия: FAO fisheries and aquaculture technical paper, ISSN: 2070-7010, №581

Предметни рубрики: риболовство ; рибарство ; рибовъдство ; риболов, дребномащабен ; рибни продукти – пазари – цени – Развиващи се страни; маркетинг ; търговия ; ценообразуване; джендър

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3630e/i3630e.pdf