Област на знанието: Социална психология

Сигнатура: 63/FAO DL C 37/II 3448

CEDAW - Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. A tool for gender-sensitive agriculture and rural development policy and programme formulation [Text] : guidelines for Ministries of Agriculture and FAO,  2013

Анотация: Inequalities between men and women in their access to productive resources, services and opportunities are one of the causes of underperformance in the agriculture sector, and contribute to deficiencies in food and nutrition security, economic growth and overall development. Agricultural policies should therefore aim to redress gender inequalities, to ensure that development interventions in the agriculture sector are effective and can achieve enduring positive impacts on the lives and economic potential of rural women, men, girls and boys. One powerful instrument for promoting realization of the rights and potential of rural women and girls is the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

Предметни рубрики: селско стопанство – жени - дискриминация - райони, селски ; джендър ; равноправие на половете ;

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3153e/i3153e.pdf


Област на знанието: Труд. Наука за труда

Сигнатура: 331/FAO DL C 52/II 3438

Children's work in the livestock sector: Herding and beyond [Text],  2013

Анотация: This explorative desk study aims to give an overview of available data on child labour in the livestock sector and indicate potential avenues for action. By contributing to the knowledge base on this topic, FAO aims to provide a basis for further research and discussion on this topic in order to come to a common understanding of what efforts need to be prioritized and to encourage governments and other stakeholders to address this issue. Helping children to realize their rights and the reduction of poverty and food insecurity should be complementary goals. This study should contribute to reflection by agricultural, labour and other stakeholders on how to position themselves vis-a-vis the sociocultural issues related to children working with livestock, especially those concerning child herding activities within (nomadic) pastoralist communities.

Серия: Rural Employment : Knowledge materials

Предметни рубрики: животновъдство - детски труд -райони, селски ; права на човека – деца ; трудово законодателство

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3098e/i3098e.pdf


Област на знанието: Поземлена собственост. Икономика на недвижимата собственост

Сигнатура: 332/FAO DL G 85/II 3436

Governing land for women and men [Text] : a technical guide to support the achievement of responsible gender-equitable governance of land tenure,  2013

Анотация: Gender equality is one of the ten core principles of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security. This guide aims to assist in its implementation through the achievement of responsible gender-equitable governance of land tenure. It focuses on equity and on how land tenure can be governed in ways that address the different needs and priorities of women and men. The guide provides advice on mechanisms, strategies and actions that can be adopted to improve gender equity in the processes, institutions and activities of land tenure governance.

Серия: Governance of tenure technical guide ; 1

Предметни рубрики: земеползване - равноправие на половете ; джендър ; равенство между половете

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3114e/i3114e.pdf


Област на знанието: Положение на жените

Сигнатура: 396/FAO DL F 23/II 3449

FAO policy on gender equality [Text] : attaining food security goals in agriculture and rural development,  2013

Анотация: FAO's new corporate Policy on Gender Equality was officially adopted on International Women's Day, 8 March 2012, to promote gender equality and women's empowerment as a key to eradicate hunger and poverty worldwide. Formulated after an extensive consultation process, the policy provides a framework to guide and assess FAO's work in this area. It specifies roles and responsibilities for the implementation of policy directives, and delineates a number of objectives and minimum standards for the achievement of an overall goal. The purpose of this policy document is to provide FAO with a framework for guiding its efforts to achieve gender equality in all its technical work, and for assessing results; it calls on the whole Organization to contribute to these efforts. The policy specifies FAO's goal and objectives related to gender equality and delineates an accountability structure for ensuring policy oversight and achievement of results.

Предметни рубрики: селско стопанство – жени - райони, селски ; джендър ; равноправие на половете ; права на човека

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3225e/i3225e.pdf


Област на знанието: Природа. Опазване на околната среда

Сигнатура: 502/FAO DL W 31/31113

Youth and United Nations Global Alliance (YUNGA). Yunga water challenge badge [Text],  2013

Анотация: Developed in collaboration with United Nations agencies, civil society and other organizations, the United Nations challenge badges are intended to raise awareness, educate and motivate young people to change their behaviour and be active agents of change in their local communities. The challenge badge series can be used by teachers in school classes and by youth leaders, and especially Guide or Scout groups. This booklet includes basic background information on water, the water cycle and how water sustains life, as well as outlining why humans need clean water and sanitation to stay healthy. The badge looks at the different factors which affect our water supply (such as over-use, pollution, natural hazards and climate change) and considers how water can be conserved and used more efficiently. The second part of the booklet contains the badge curriculum: a range of activities and ideas to stimulate learning and motivate children and young people to save water and engage in efforts to increase equitable access to clean water.

Серия: YUNGA learning and action series

Предметни рубрики: природни ресурси – вода – опазване ; обучение - младежи


Област на знанието: Медицина

Сигнатура: 613.2/FAO DL/Пр II 137 ; 13

Compendium of food additive specifications [Text] : Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives 76-th meeting [Geneva, Switzerland, 5-14 June] 2012,  2013

Анотация: This volume of FAO JECFA Monographs contains specifications of identity and purity prepared at the 76th meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), held in Geneva on 5 - 14 June 2012. The specifications monographs are one of the outputs of JECFAТs risk assessment of food additives, and should be read in conjunction with the safety evaluation, reference to which is made in the section at the head of each specifications monograph.

Серия: FAO JECFA monographs; ISSN: 1817-7077, №13

Предметни рубрики: хранителни добавкибезопасност ; ароматни вещества


Сигнатура: 614.3/FAO DL F 23/31114

FAO/WHO guide for developing and improving national food recall systems,  2012

Анотация: FAO/WHO has identified capacity development in food safety emergency response preparedness and planning to be a key lement in preventing food safety emergencies and in mitigating their public health and socio-economic impacts. A framework for food safety emergency planning was developed to assist countries in the formulation and implementation of national food safety emergency response plans. In doing so, it was recognized that further guidance was necessary to ensure that countries are prepared to address food safety emergencies. Consequently, FAO/WHO has developed a guide to the application of risk analysis principles and procedures during food safety emergencies. The present document is an additional and essential guide on food recall to assist countries in the establishment and implementation of an effective national food recall system which may also be used during food safety emergencies.

Предметни рубрики: храни – безопасност ; анализ на риска ; аварийна безопасност

Пълен текст: http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/77746/1/9789241504799_eng.pdf


Област на знанието: Горско стопанство

Сигнатура: 630/FAO DL/Пр 591 ; 170

Mead, Donald J. Sustainable management of Pinus radiata plantations [Text],  2013

Анотация: The author of the book is Dr. Donald James Mead, a New Zealander, who has been involved for over 50 years in forestry research and teaching about Pinus radiata.

Серия: FAO Forestry Paper; ISSN: 0258-6150, №170

Предметни рубрики: горско стопанство ; гори - иглолистни гори - борови гори ; дървета, иглолистни - бор - Pinus radiata


Сигнатура: 630/FAO DL/Пр II 160 ; 1

Advancing Agroforestry on the Policy Agenda [Text] : a guide for decision-makers,  2013

Анотация: Agroforestry is a dynamic, ecologically based, natural resources management system that, through the integration of trees on farms and in the agricultural landscape, diversifies and sustains production for increased social, economic and environmental benefits for land users at all levels (ICRAF). Yet it is still considered a peripheral activity of agriculture and many farmers and other land users are ignorant of its benefits. This paper is a guide for policy-makers, advisers and other technocrats who wish to include agroforestry in the national agenda. It aims to assist countries to develop policy, legal and institutional conditions that facilitate the adoption of agroforestry and recognize its contribution to national development. Illustrated with case studies and examples of good practice from around the world, these guidelines are an invaluable addition to the agroforestry global agenda.

Серия: Agroforestry Working Paper, №1

Предметни рубрики: агролесовъдство ; горско земеделие ; елско стопанство - устойчиво развитие

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3182e/i3182e00.pdf


Област на знанието: Селско стопанство

Сигнатура: 631.67/FAO DL/Пр 629 ; 38

Coping with water scarcity [Text] : an action framework for agriculture and food security,  2012

Анотация: This report aims to provide a conceptual framework to address food security under conditions of water scarcity in agriculture. It has been prepared by a team of FAO staff and consultants in the framework of the project Coping with water scarcity: the role of agriculture, and has been discussed at an Expert Consultation meeting organized in FAO, Rome in December 2009 on the same subject. It was subsequently edited and revised, taking account of discussions in the Expert Consultation and materials presented to the meeting. The document offers views on the conceptual framework on which FAO's water scarcity programme should be based, proposes a set of definitions associated with the concept of water scarcity, and indicates the main principles on which FAO should base its action in support to its member countries.

Серия: FAO Water Reports, ISSN: 1020-1203, №38

Предметни рубрики: земеделие – напояване ; вода – недостиг ; води – ресурси ; вода – опазване ; селско стопанство - устойчиво развитие - света

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/016/i3015e/i3015e.pdf


Сигнатура: 632.95/FAO DL/Пр 590 ; 215

Pesticide residues in food 2012 [Text] : Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues : Report of the Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO Core Assessment Group on Pesticide Residues Rome, Italy, 11-20 September 2012,  2013

Анотация: The Meeting was held in pursuance of recommendations made by previous Meetings and accepted by the governing bodies of FAO and WHO that studies should be undertaken jointly by experts to evaluate possible hazards to humans arising from the occurrence of residues of pesticides in foods. During the Meeting, the FAO Panel of Experts was responsible for reviewing residue and analytical aspects of the pesticides under consideration, including data on their metabolism, fate in the environment and use patterns, and for estimating the maximum levels of residues that might occur as a result of use of the pesticides according to good agricultural practice (GAP).Maximum residue levels and supervised trials median residue (STMR) values were estimated for commodities of animal origin. The Meeting also estimated the dietary intakes (both short-term and long-term) of the pesticides reviewed and, on this basis, performed a dietary risk assessment in relation to their ADIs or ARfDs. Cases in which ADIs or ARfDs may be exceeded were clearly indicated in order to facilitate the decision-making process of the CCPR. The rationale for methodologies for long- and short-term dietary risk assessment are described in detail in FAO Manual on the submission and evaluation of pesticide residue data for the estimation of MRLs in food and feed (2009). The Meeting considered a number of current issues related to the risk assessment of chemicals, the evaluation of pesticide residues and the procedures used to recommend maximum residue levels.

Серия: FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper, ISSN: 0259-2517, №215

Предметни рубрики: храни – пестициди – остатъци ; околна среда - замърсяване

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3111e/i3111e.pdf


Сигнатура: 338.43/FAO DL A 19/II 3418

Action plan of the global strategy to improve agricultural and rural statistics [Text] : For Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development,  2012

Анотация: The recent food crisis and the ongoing debates on food price volatility, the impact of climate change on agriculture and food security clearly highlight the weaknesses in the available agricultural data. They also highlight the urgent need for evidence on which to base implementation of the relevant effective policies at the global, regional and national levels. These data requirements are emerging at the same time that many countries, especially in the developing world, are lacking the capacity to produce and report even the minimum set of agricultural data needed to monitor national trends or inform the international development debate. The Global Strategy to Improve Agricultura.

Предметни рубрики: селскостопанско производство – статистика –планиране - райони, селски ; производство, селскостопанско

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/016/i3082e/i3082e.pdf


Област на знанието: Рибно стопанство. Риболов

Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL/Пр II 156 ; 1063

Diffey, Simon. Developing fish landing centres: Experiences and lessons from Sri Lanka [Text],  2012

Анотация: This Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular traces the experiences of the Restoration and Improvement of Fish Landing Centres with Stakeholder Participation in Management Project (I-FLCP). The project was a partnership between FAO, the Canadian International Development Agency and the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development. It was implemented from August 2008 until the end of September 2011. This publication contributes to the achievement of the following organizational result: the operation of fisheries, including the use of vessels and fishing gear, is made safer, more technically and socio-economically efficient, environmentally friendly and compliant with rules at all levels.

Серия: FAO Fisheries and Acvaculture Circular ; ISSN: 2070-6065, №1063

Предметни рубрики: риболов, морски ; пристанища – Шри-Ланка

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3083e/i3083e.pdf


Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL/Пр II 156 ; 1076

Review of the implementation of the international plan of action for the conservation and management of sharks [Text],  2013

Анотация: In 2011, the Conference on Fisheries (COFI) requested FAO to prepare a report on the implementation of the 1999 FAO International Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks (IPOA Sharks) by FAO Members, and the challenges Members faced when implementing the instrument. This document provides a summary of the comprehensive review by FAO of the shark-related measures and activities by the top shark-fishing countries and entities and RFMOs.

Серия: FAO Fisheries and Acvaculture Circular ; ISSN: 2070-6065, №1076

Предметни рубрики: риболов, морски ; риболовствоакули ; акулипопулация - опазване

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3036e/i3036e.pdf