Област на знанието: Икономика на селското стопанство. Продоволствен въпрос

Сигнатура: 338.43/FAO DL E 54/31205

Ending Hunger Challenge Badge [Text],  2013

Анотация: The Ending Hunger Challenge Badge is designed to help educate children and young people about the effects of hunger in the world and how we can put an end to it. This material is appropriate for use in school classes, Guide or Scout groups or youth meetings generally. It includes a wide range of activities and ideas to stimulate learning about hunger and nutrition issues, while motivating children and young people to get involved in the fight against world hunger. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: прехрана ; глад, извънкласно образование

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/018/i3466e/i3466e.pdf


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Food and agriculture policy decisions [Text] : Trends, emerging issues and policy alignments since the 2007/08 food security crisis,  2013

Анотация: Based on extensive research, document reviews and country level surveys, the report covers a broad range of food security and agricultural development policy decisions implemented over the period 2007-2012. More than 70 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) which represent 81, 90 and 98 percent of the total populations respectively, are included in the review. Focusing on policies most debated and most frequently implemented since the 2007/08 food price crisis, the report identifies clear trends and emerging issues, presenting them at the national, regional and global level. Additional cross-cutting analysis examines policy harmonization within RECs and how national policy integration can either complement or compromise efforts for regional food security. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: прехрана ; продоволствие ; продоволствена политика ; продоволствена сигурност ; продоволствени кризи ; кризи, продоволствени

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3514e/i3514e.pdf


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

La Situation mondiale de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture 2013 [Text : electronic resource] : mettre les syste`mes alimentaires au service d'une meilleure nutrition,  2013

Анотация: La malnutrition sous toutes ses formes Ö denutrition, carences en micronutriments, surpoids, obesite Ö fait peser des cou^ts economiques et sociaux inacceptables sur les pays. Les causes en sont complexes mais ses formes ont un point commun: une alimentation insuffisante au plan nutritionnel. La situation mondiale de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture 2013 met en avant qu'une alimentation saine et une bonne nutrition passent par des aliments et une agriculture de qualite. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: хранене ; прехрана ; недохранване ; хранене, здравословно ; земеделие

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/018/i3300f/i3300f.pdf


Област на знанието: Природа. Опазване на природата

Сигнатура: 502.51/FAO DL T 44/31204

The Ocean Challenge Badge [Text],  2013

Анотация: he Ocean Challenge Badge is an exciting new way to empower children and young people to play a role in protecting the ocean for future generations. The badge booklet is packed with activities to educate on how the ocean works, the creatures that live in it, and just how important the ocean is in our everyday lives. It was created as part of the Challenge Badge series from YUNGA and partners to be used by teachers in school classes, youth leaders and especially Guide or Scout groups. All badges are intended to raise awareness, educate and motivate young people to change their behavior and be active agents of change in their local communities. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: океан – опазване ; екологична култура - извънкласно образование

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/018/i3465e/i3465e.pdf



Област на знанието: Медицински науки

Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Compendium of food additive specifications [Текст : електронен ресурс без устройство] : Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives 77-th meeting, [Rome on 4 - 13 June] 2013,  2014

Анотация: Enfrentar una emergencia es uno de los desafíos más importantes para un servicio veterinario. Los servicios veterinarios deben estar preparados para responder a tales emergencias con el fin de controlar en forma rápida, eficiente y a bajo costo. Para realizarlo, los servicios veterinarios deben estar muy bien preparados. Estos deben disponer de un plan bien desarrollado y las capacidades necesarias para implementar el plan. Este manual ofrece en una manera sistemática los elementos que se requieren para un adecuado nivel de preparación para enfrentar estas emergencias. En particular, este manual está enfocado hacia el control de las enfermedades transfronterizas. Algunos de los principios presentados pueden ser útiles para enfrentar otras emergencias en los temas de inocuidad alimentaria, las zoonosis o como también emergencias causadas por agentes no infecciosos. (fao.org)

Серия: FAO JECFA monographs, ISSN: 1817-7077, № 14

Предметни рубрики: хранителни добавки – безопасност ; хранителни добавки – спецификация

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3544e/i3544e.pdf



Област на знанието: Ветеринарна медицина

Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Metodologia y buena gestion de emergencias: Elementos fundamentales [Text : electronic resource] : Guia de preparacion para emergencias zoosanitarias,  2013

Анотация: Enfrentar una emergencia es uno de los desafíos más importantes para un servicio veterinario. Los servicios veterinarios deben estar preparados para responder a tales emergencias con el fin de controlar en forma rápida, eficiente y a bajo costo. Para realizarlo, los servicios veterinarios deben estar muy bien preparados. Estos deben disponer de un plan bien desarrollado y las capacidades necesarias para implementar el plan. Este manual ofrece en una manera sistemática los elementos que se requieren para un adecuado nivel de preparación para enfrentar estas emergencias. En particular, este manual está enfocado hacia el control de las enfermedades transfronterizas. Algunos de los principios presentados pueden ser útiles para enfrentar otras emergencias en los temas de inocuidad alimentaria, las zoonosis o como también emergencias causadas por agentes no infecciosos. (fao.org)

Серия: FAO produccion y sanidad animal : manual, ISSN: 1810-1143, № 11

Предметни рубрики: ветеринарно дело ; санитарен контрол ; инфекциозни болести ; болести, трансгранични ; управление на риска

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/018/ba0137s/ba0137s.pdf


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Tsetse and trypanosomosis information [Текст : електронен ресурс без устройство] : number 16507-16764,  2013

Анотация: The Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Information periodical has been established to disseminate current information on all aspects of tsetse and trypanosomosis research and control to institutions and individuals involved in the problems of African trypanosomosis. This service forms an integral part of the Programme Against African Trypanosomosis (PAAT) and is jointly sponsored by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources of the African Union (AU-IBAR), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Research Department for Livestock Production and Veterinary Medicine of the Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement (CIRAD-EMVT) and the British GovernmentТs Department for International Development (DFID). (fao.org)

Серия: PAAT Programme against African Trypanosomosis, ISSN: 1812-2442, № 36/1

Предметни рубрики: паразитология ; муха цеце – местообитания – Африка ; трипанозомиаза ; тропически болести

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/018/i3310e/i3310e.pdf



Област на знанието: Селско стопанство

Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Mountain Farming Is Family Farming [Текст : електронен ресурс : без устройство] : A contribution from mountain areas to the International Year of Family Farming 2014,  2013

Анотация: This publication, featuring 25 case studies from across the mountain landscapes, gives an overview of the global changes affecting mountain farming and the strategies that mountain communities have developed to cope. Each study also presents a set of lessons and recommendations, meant to inform and benefit mountain communities, policy-makers, development experts and academics who work to support mountain farmers and to protect mountains. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: земеделие, планинско ; райони, планински – устойчиво развитие

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3480e/i3480e.pdf


Сигнатура: 631/FAO DL/Пр 620 ; 19

Policy Support Guidelines for the Promotion of Sustainable Production Intensification and Ecosystem Services [Text],  2013

Анотация: The old paradigm of agriculture, originating from the Green Revolution, that asserts that intensive and productive agriculture must go along with ecological degradation as unavoidable side effects, is increasingly being replaced by a new paradigm of sustainable intensification. This new paradigm results from the undisputed need to increase agricultural production in order to serve future generations with food, feed and industrial raw materials. But it recognizes at the same time that mankind, if it wants to survive, has to recover the natural resource base and stop environmental degradation, so that the agricultural land use does not only result in the provision of above biological goods, but also in the delivery of environmental services, enhancing the functions of ecosystems and agricultural landscapes in the provision of services essential for survival, such as clean water and air, but also biodiversity. (Clayton Campanhola - Director Plant Production and Protection Division)

Серия: Integrated crop management, ISSN: 1020-4555, № 19

Предметни рубрики: земеделие – продукция – устойчива интензификация ; устойчиво развитие ; околна среда - опазване

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/ag/ca/CA-Publications/ICM19.pdf



Област на знанието: Горско стопанство

Сигнатура: 630/FAO DL F 75/31203

Forests Challenge Badge,  2013

Анотация: The purpose of the United Nations Challenge Badges is to raise awareness, educate and motivate young people to change their behaviour and be active agents of change in their local communities. Additional badges are available or are being developed on a number of other topics including: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Energy, Governance, Hunger, Nutrition, the Ocean, Soils and Water. The Forests Challenge Badge is designed to help educate children and young people about the crucial role that forests play for life on our planet. This booklet includes basic educational contents on the different types of forests and where they grow. It explains how forests provide essential ecosystem services such as clean air, water, and climate change mitigation. It also describes various forest resources and explains how millions of people worldwide rely on forests for their livelihoods. The badge describes the threats to our planet's forests and what is being done to protect them. This material is appropriate for use in school classes, Guide or Scout groups or youth meetings generally. It includes a wide range of activities and ideas to stimulate learning about the importance of forests, while motivating children and young people to help protect forests and become aware of the impacts of their actions on the environment. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: гори – опазване ; екологична култура - извънкласно образование

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/018/i3479e/i3479e.pdf


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Manejo forestal de uso multiple en el tropico humedo [Текст : електронен ресурс : без устройство] : Oportunidades y desafios para el manejo forestal sostenible,  2013

Анотация: Este informe ofrece los resultados de tres evaluaciones regionales realizadas para identiнcar y extraer lecciones a partir de iniciativas de campo en manejo forestal de uso multiple en la cuenca del Amazonas, la cuenca del Congo y el sudeste asiatico. En las tres regiones, se recolecto informacion mediante entrevistas con expertos, administradores y tecnicos forestales asentados en paises especiнcos. Ademas, mediante un cuestionario aplicado a traves de internet, se recupero informacion sobre exitos y fracasos en iniciativas de manejo forestal de uso multiple. El mejoramiento del valor de los bosques sobreexplotados por medio de la silvicultura tambien podria ayudar a aumentar la adopcion de los enfoques de uso multiple. (fao.org)

Серия: Estudi FAO : Montesl, ISSN: 1014-2886, № 173

Предметни рубрики: горско стопанство ; лесовъдство ; гори - управление

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/018/i3378s/i3378s.pdf


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

State of Mediterranean Forests 2013 [Текст : електронен ресурс : без устройство],  2013

Анотация: Forest ecosystems and other wooded lands are an important component of landscapes in the Mediterranean region, contributing significantly to rural development, poverty alleviation and food security. They are sources of wood, cork, energy, food and incomes, and they provide important ecosystem services such as biodiversity conservation, soil and water protection, recreation and carbon storage. They are crucial for many of the region's economic sectors, such as food supply, agriculture, soil and water conservation, drinking water supply, tourism and energy. Global changes (changes in societies, lifestyles and climate) strongly affect the Mediterranean region. If unmanaged, such changes could lead to the loss of biodiversity, an increased risk of wildfire, the degradation of watersheds, and desertification, with serious consequences for the sustainable provision of forest goods and ecosystem services. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: горско стопанство ; лесовъдство ; гори - управление - Средиземноморие

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3226e/i3226e.pdf


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Strengthening Forest Tenure Systems and Governance [Текст : електронен ресурс : без устройство],  2013

Анотация: The module is meant to complement existing training modules produced by FAO and other organizations. It focuses on strengthening specific competences to help key stakeholders advance forest tenure reform in line with the guiding principles. The module also demonstrates the challenges involved in strengthening forest tenure, and introduces some tools for addressing them. The training revolves around the following milestones for strengthening forest tenure systems and governance: a thorough analysis and in-depth understanding of existing tenure systems to serve as a foundation for developing strategies to strengthen tenure reform initiatives; identification of stakeholders and their perspectives on needs for tenure reform through participatory appraisal with forest users and government officials (national and local levels); assessment of tenure governance arrangements and practices within the framework of internationally accepted good practices and arrangements; complete agenda and action plans for strengthening forest tenure systems and governance. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: горско стопанство ; лесовъдство ; гори – земеползване ;  горски ресурси

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3521e/i3521e.pdf



Област на знанието: Растениевъдство

Сигнатура: без сигнатура

A policymakers' guide to crop diversification [Text : electronic resource] : the case of the potato in Kenya,  2013

Анотация: A concerted effort is needed to fully realize the potato's potential to help improve livelihoods, reduce poverty and enhance food security in Kenya. Full implementation of the policy guidelines presented in this document can stimulate accelerated growth in potato production and use, and make an important contribution to helping producers and consumers reap the benefits of doing so. While aimed primarily at policymakers in Kenya, the guide is also of use to decision-makers at institutional and policy levels in other countries of Eastern and Central Africa. It will help the realization of the potato's full potential as a high-value crop in response to emerging opportunities, such as changes in consumption pattern and the resulting need for value addition due to rapid urbanization, and to potential threats, including climate change and food price surges causing upheaval in international food markets. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: растениевъдство ; растения, кореноплодни – картофи – отглеждане – Кения ; прехрана ; земеделие ; поминък

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/018/i3329e/i3329e.pdf


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Cassava Farmer Field Schools [Text : electronic resource] : resource material for facilitators in sub-Saharan Africa,  2013

Анотация: This manual is part of FAO's effort to promote sustainable intensification of smallholder crop production. It has been developed from experiences with farmer field schools in four African countries. It provides background information on the farmer field school approach and a compilation of field exercises as they are used in cassava farmer field schools. The guide is intended for use by farmer field facilitators during training of facilitators or during the farmer field school itself. (fao.org)

Серия: FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper, ISSN: 0259-2517, № 218

Предметни рубрики: растениевъдство ; растения, кореноплодни – маниока – отглеждане - Африка

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/018/i3447e/i3447e.pdf


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Genebank Standards for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture [Текст : електронен ресурс без устройство],  2013

Анотация: Plant genetic resources are a strategic resource at the heart of sustainable crop production. Their efficient conservation and use is critical to safeguard food and nutrition security, now and in the future. Meeting this challenge will require a continued stream of improved crops and varieties adapted to particular agroecosystem conditions. The loss of genetic diversity reduces the options for sustainably managing resilient agriculture, in the face of adverse environments, and rapidly fluctuating meteorological conditions.

Предметни рубрики: селско стопанство - устойчиво развитие ; биоразнообразие ; устойчиво земеделие ; растения ; генетични ресурси ; генетични ресурси, растителни

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/templates/agphome/documents/PGR/genebank/GeneBank_ENG_WebFile.pdf


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Guidance on weed issues and assessment of noxious weeds in a context of harmonized legislation for production of certified seed [Text : electronic resource],  2013

Анотация: This manual is a technical support to regional harmonization of seed regulations and provides information to crop protectionists, seed specialists and policy makers on noxious weeds not acceptable in certified seed lots. Noxious weeds in production of certified seeds should be anticipated and avoided in a context where globalization of trade has favored spread of many invasive alien plants, displacing native species and taking land out of production in many countries. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: плевели ; растителна защита ; семепроизводство ; семена – сертификация

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3493e/i3493e.pdf


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Identifying Benefit Flows [Text : electronic resource] : Studies on the Potential Monetary and Non-Monetary Benefits Arising from the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture,  2013

Анотация: This publication compiles five studies and provides an overview of the conceptual bases for assigning monetary and non-monetary values to plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. It also constitutes the first steps towards a projection of benefit flows over time. The studies brought together in this book aim to provide quantified information to the International Treaty stakeholders and the wider interest audience to help understand the economic dimensions of the Treaty as a whole and the Multilateral System and its benefits in particular. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: растения ; генетични ресурси ; генетични ресурси, растителни ; биоразнообразие ; устойчиво развитие

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3439e/i3439e.pdf


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Policy Support Guidelines for the Promotion of Sustainable Production Intensification and Ecosystem Services [Текст : електронен ресурс без устройство],  2013

Анотация: The old paradigm of agriculture, originating from the Green Revolution, that asserts that intensive and productive agriculture must go along with ecological degradation as unavoidable side effects, is increasingly being replaced by a new paradigm of sustainable intensification. This new paradigm results from the undisputed need to increase agricultural production in order to serve future generations with food, feed and industrial raw materials. But it recognizes at the same time that mankind, if it wants to survive, has to recover the natural resource base and stop environmental degradation, so that the agricultural land use does not only result in the provision of above biological goods, but also in the delivery of environmental services, enhancing the functions of ecosystems and agricultural landscapes in the provision of services essential for survival, such as clean water and air, but also biodiversity. (Clayton Campanhola - Director Plant Production and Protection Division)

Серия: Integrated crop management, ISSN: 1020-4555, 19

Предметни рубрики: земеделие – продукция ; устойчива интензификация ; устойчиво развитие ; околна среда - опазване

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/ag/ca/CA-Publications/ICM19.pdf


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

The Funding Strategy of the International Treaty [Текст : електронен ресурс без устройство] : This is the third educational module in a series of training materials for the implementation of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture,  2014

Анотация: Module 3 presents the main elements of the Funding Strategy for the implementation of the International Treaty, with a focus on the Benefit-sharing Fund. The module illustrates the early implementation phase of the Fund with the help of selected projects that received funding under the first two rounds of its project cycle, and explains what kind of activities may be eligible for funding and how financial resources may be accessed. The module is therefore an important resource particularly for prospective donors and potential applicants to the Benefit-sharing Fund. (planttreaty.org)

Предметни рубрики: растения ; генетични ресурси ; генетични ресурси, растителни ; биоразнообразие ; устойчиво развитие

Пълен текст: http://www.planttreaty.org/sites/default/files/edm3_full_en.pdf



Област на знанието: Животновъдство

Сигнатура: 636.084/FAO DL/Пр 660 ; 15

The feed analysis laboratory: Establishment and quality control [Текст] : Setting up a feed analysis laboratory, and implementing a quality assurance system compliant with ISO/IEC 17025:2005, 2013

Анотация: Animal feed quality is crucial in the livestock sector. This document presents the sequence of activities for establishing a Feed Quality Analysis Laboratory - from initial planning, building and layout; through hiring suitable staff and selecting methods and equipment; and culminating in accreditation, based on an estimated four-year time frame. The Quality Management System is stressed, and the document highlights validation of methods, personnel and training; systematic equipment maintenance and calibration; proficiency testing; quality control procedures; reporting; and auditing. (fao.org)

Серия: FAO Animal Production and Health Guidelines, ISSN: 1810-0708, 15

Предметни рубрики: животни, селскостопански – хранене – фуражи ; фуражно производство ; фуражи - качество

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3535e/i3535e.pdf


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Ukraine: Improving Milk Supply in Northern Ukraine [Текст : електронен ресурс : без устройство] : Technical assistance to Ukraine's dairy sector, 2013

Анотация: This report presents the output of the main activities implemented under the FAO/EBRD technical assistance project, including the analytical work and training activities conducted under the project between 2008 and 2011. The report consists of three chapters: Chapter 1 provides a review of Ukraine's dairy sector, Chapter 2 contains household and commercial dairy farm investment models while Chapter 3 describes rural household dairy farmer training activities in selected communities of Sumy oblast of Ukraine. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: млекарство ; ферми, млечни – райони, селски - Украйна

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3446e/i3446e.pdf



Област на знанието: Рибарство. Риболовство

Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Aplicacao pratica da abordagem ecossistemica as pescas [Текст : електронен ресурс : без устройство],  2013

Анотация: Although the principles of an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) are not new, there is very little practical experience in their implementation. Translating high-level policy goals on EAF into operational objectives and actions is now the key challenge to sustainable fisheries. This booklet  provides an overview of EAF, for marine capture fisheries, and its benefits; considers what is required to implement EAF. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: рибовъдство ; риболовство ; устойчиво развитие ; екосистеми, морски - опазване

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/018/a0191pt/a0191pt.pdf


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Cattermoul, B. et al. Fisheries and aquaculture emergency response guidance [Текст : електронен ресурс без устройство] : Review recommendations for best practice : FAO Workshop 15-16 March 2012, Rome, 2013

Анотация: The Guidance will support both the saving of lives and the saving of livelihoods through two key strategies: by assisting in the identification of the most appropriate fisheries and aquaculture interventions in emergencies; and by setting out the best practice and providing guidance notes for these interventions. In the process of developing the best practice and guidance, a team of experts were invited to identify best practice and guidance across a range of technical areas. This workshop was designed to provide the opportunity for discussions around the recommendations for best practice and how these could be presented in the form of guidance. This document consolidates the outcomes from these discussions and presentations in three areas: (i) the challenges to implementing best practice in an emergency context; (ii) the opportunities presented by the emergency context; and (iii) the recommendations for best practice as presented by each of the technical experts. (fao.org)

Серия: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings, ISSN: 2070- 6103, 30

Предметни рубрики: рибовъдство ; риболовство ; бедствия ; управление на риска – ръководства ; добри практики

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3431e/i3431e.pdf


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Feeding and feed management of Indian major carps in Andhra Pradesh, India [Text : electronic resource],  2013

Анотация: This study reviews the aquaculture of Indian major carps with special reference to current feeding and feed management practices in Andhra Pradesh, India. It also assesses management practices used under polyculture conditions with other species groups. It identifies constraints on Indian major carp production and characterises research and development needs. A variety of factors are examined in the study, including water sources, manures and fertilizer use, sources of finance and insurance, regulation, farming experience, mash feed ingredients, quality monitoring, feed types, storage, research, farmers' perceptions, consumption and wastage, fish growth, and production costs and net income. (fao.org)

Серия: FAO fisheries and aquaculture technical papers, ISSN: 2070-7010, № 578

Предметни рубрики: рибовъдство ; риби, сладководни – отглеждане ; шаран - хранене – Индия ; фуражи - качество

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3146e/i3146e.pdf


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Fish identification tools for biodiversity and fisheries assessments [Текст : електронен ресурс без устройство] : Review and guidance for decision-makers,  2013

Анотация: This review provides an appraisal of existing, state-of-the-art fish identification (ID) tools (including some in the initial stages of their development) and shows their potential for providing the right solution in different real-life situations. The ID tools reviewed are: Use of scientific experts (taxonomists) and folk local experts, taxonomic reference collections, image recognition systems, field guides based on dichotomous keys; interactive electronic keys (e.g. IPOFIS), morphometrics (e.g. IPez), scale and otolith morphology, genetic methods (Single nucleotide polymorphisms [SNPs] and Barcode [BOL]) and Hydroacoustics. The review is based on the results and recommendations of the workshop Fish Identification Tools  for Fishery Biodiversity and Fisheries Assessments convened by FAO FishFinder and the University of Vigo and held in Vigo, Spain,from 11а to 13а October 2011. It is expected that it will help fisheries managers, environmental administrators and other end users to select the best available species identification tools for their purposes. (fao.org)

Серия: FAO fisheries and aquaculture technical paper, ISSN: 2070-7010, № 585

Предметни рубрики: рибовъдство ; риболовство ; биоразнообразие – опазване ; риби – идентификация ; устойчиво развитие - ръководства

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3354e/i3354e.pdf


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Guidelines for the fisheries and aquaculture sector on damage and needs assessments in emergencies [Текст : електронен ресурс без устройство], 2013

Анотация: These guidelines are for use in post-emergency damage and needs assessment. The guidelines provide advice and a structure for assessing the requirements of relief and rehabilitation relating directly to fisheries and aquaculture. The situation and exact timing of when the subsectoral assessment of fisheries and/or quaculture is undertaken will vary. However, the process of identifying these sectoral requirements must be set in the holistic context that is the wider livelihoods of the affected communities. Therefore, it is critical that the assessment team endeavour to link up with other assessment missions. (fao.org)

Предметни рубрики: рибовъдство ; риболовство ; аквакултури ; бедствия – щети – оценка ; рехабилитация

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3433e/i3433e.pdf


Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Report of the Seventh Session of the Regional Commission for Fisheries [Текст : електронен ресурс : без устройство] : Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 14-16 May 2013,  2013

Анотация: The seventh session of the RECOFI reviewed a range of regional issues and intersessional activities of importance to the conservation and management of fisheries and aquaculture in the region. (fao.org) (fao.org)

Серия: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report, ISSN: 2070-6987, № 1052

Предметни рубрики: рибовъдство ; риболовство ; аквакултури ; скумрия ; рибни ресурси – Иран ; устойчиво развитие

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3402b/i3402b.pdf


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The vulnerability of fishing-dependent economies to disasters [Text : electronic resource],  2013

Анотация: This circular examines the vulnerability of fishing-dependent communities to natural disasters. The objective was to identify countries that are particularly vulnerable to disasters but also those that are less resilient. The circular concludes that the fishery sectors of African and Southeast Asian countries are most vulnerable to disasters, according to both frequency and mortality exposure indicators, fishery-dependence, and capacity to adapt. Recommendations are made with respect to strengthening understanding of vulnerability measurement. (fao.org)

Серия: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular, ISSN: 2070-6065, № 1081

Предметни рубрики: рибовъдство ; риболовство ; бедствия ; управление на риска

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/018/i3328e/i3328e.pdf


Област на знанието: Топлинно стопанство

Сигнатура: без сигнатура

Bioslurry = Brown Gold? [Текст : електронен ресурс без устройство]^bA review of scientific literature on the co-product of biogas production,  2013

Анотация: In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in anaerobic digestion of farm анд household residues in many parts of the world. Smallholder biogas digesters and community biogas plants can be found all throughout Asia, but also rogressively in Latin America and Africa. Anaerobic digestion produces two main outputs: biogas and bioslurry, the digestate or digester effluent. While biogas is used to produce energy, the large potential of bioslurry has often been overlooked. A large part of both the scientific and grey literature focuses on the production of energy alone, but does not venture into the multiple uses and intricacies of bioslurry use. Technical organizations such as NGOs, extension services and local universities and, last but not least, smallholders themselves, are often not fully aware of the multiple benefits of bioslurry use, nor do they know of the risks associated with handling and applying it on their farm. (fao.org)

Серия: Environment and Natural Resources Management Working Paper, ISSN: 2226-6062, № 55

Предметни рубрики: ферми, животновъдни ; селско стопанство - възобновяеми енергийни източници ; биогорива ; биогаз

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/018/i3441e/i3441e.pdf