Област на знанието: Труд. Наука за труда

Сигнатура: 331/FAO DL C 52/II 3438

Children's work in the livestock sector: Herding and beyond [Text],  2013

Анотация: This explorative desk study aims to give an overview of available data on child labour in the livestock sector and indicate potential avenues for action. By contributing to the knowledge base on this topic, FAO aims to provide a basis for further research and discussion on this topic in order to come to a common understanding of what efforts need to be prioritized and to encourage governments and other stakeholders to address this issue. Helping children to realize their rights and the reduction of poverty and food insecurity should be complementary goals. This study should contribute to reflection by agricultural, labour and other stakeholders on how to position themselves vis-à-vis the sociocultural issues related to children working with livestock, especially those concerning child herding activities within (nomadic) pastoralist communities.

Серия: Rural Employment : Knowledge materials

Предметни рубрики: животновъдство - детски труд -райони, селски ; права на човека – деца ; трудово законодателство

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3098e/i3098e.pdf


Област на знанието: Поземлена собственост. Икономика на недвижимата собственост

Сигнатура: 332/FAO DL G 85/II 3436

Governing land for women and men [Text] : a technical guide to support the achievement of responsible gender-equitable governance of land tenure,  2013

Анотация: Gender equality is one of the ten core principles of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security. This guide aims to assist in its implementation through the achievement of responsible gender-equitable governance of land tenure. It focuses on equity and on how land tenure can be governed in ways that address the different needs and priorities of women and men. The guide provides advice on mechanisms, strategies and actions that can be adopted to improve gender equity in the processes, institutions and activities of land tenure governance.

Серия: Governance of tenure technical guide ; 1

Предметни рубрики: земеползване - равноправие на половете ; джендър ; равенство между половете

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3114e/i3114e.pdf


Сигнатура: 332/FAO DL T 44/31090

The right to food and the responsible governance of tenure [Text] : a dialogue towards implementation,  2013

Анотация: Tenure problems faced by marginalized groups, such as land tenure conflicts and related violations of human rights, result from a vast range of structural and contextual factor often  related to the unequal balance of power. Legal frameworks are sometimes detrimental to the right of the rural poor, undermining customary rights and practices over natural resources by prioritizing individual private property. While the search for solutions to reduce hunger went through the increase of agricultural production, a growing consensus is emerging that the model of large-scale industrial production has not met the challenge to ensure food security for all, but has rather partly contributed to undermining the agricultural sector in a number of developing countries over a period of  30 years. The trends have partially been exacerbated in recent years by policies that have further increased the pressure on farmland, such as those promoting export-oriented agricultural production, which have often led to the development of large-scale plantations producing single crops for profits, energy or food.

Предметни рубрики: земеползване - Развиващи се страни - райони, селски ; права на човека - право на храна


Област на знанието: Икономика на селското стопанство

Сигнатура: 338.43/FAO DL T 84/31079

Trends and impacts of foreign investment in developing country agriculture [Text] : evidence from case studies,  2013

Анотация: Substantial increases in agricultural investments in developing countries are needed to combat poverty and realize food security and nutrition goals. There is evidence that agricultural investments can generate a wide range of developmental benefits, but these benefits cannot be expected to arise automatically and some forms of large-scale investment carry risks for host countries. Although there has been much debate about the potential benefits and risks of international investment, there is no systematic evidence on the actual impacts on the host country and their determinants. In order to acquire an in-depth understanding of potential benefits, constraints and costs of foreign investment in agriculture and of the business models that are more conducive to development, FAO has undertaken research in developing countries.This publication summarizes the results of this research, in particular through the presentation of the main findings of case studies in nine developing countries. It presents case studies on policies to attract foreign investment in agriculture and their impacts on national economic development in selected countries in Africa, Asian and Latin America.

Предметни рубрики: селско стопанство – инвестиции - Развиващи се страни ; чуждестранни инвестиции

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3112e/i3112e.pdf


Сигнатура: 338.43/FAO DL G 14/31080

GAIN methodology [Text] : diagnosis and design of change processes within producer organizations, 2013

Анотация: This report describes a new methodology called GAIN (Governance, Autonomy, Integration, Needs based) developed by FAO staff from the Social and Economic Development Department under the direction of Aziz Elbehri, Senior Economist. The main objective of this methodology is to provide an effective assessment tool for initiating endogenous structural changes within a producer organization. Using a participatory and iterative approach, GAIN combines an internal assessment of the organization with an analysis of its immediate environment in order to initiate a gradual process of economic self-empowerment.

Предметни рубрики: селско стопанство - производители, дребниорганизацииАфрика ; организации, селскостопански - структурни промени – методика - Африка

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3127e/i3127e.pdf


Сигнатура: 338.43/FAO DL/Пр 667 ; 1

Enabling environments for agribusiness and agro-industries development [Text] : regional and country perspectives, 2013

Анотация: The existence of a conducive business climate, or enabling environment, is considered essential to engender economic growth and development. However, what an enabling environment should encompass in practical terms remains elusive to many scholars and policy makers, particularly when discussed at the sub-sector level. This publication by FAOТs Rural Infrastructure and Agro-Industries Division (AGS) examines issues associated with enabling environments with a focus on agribusiness and agro-industrial sectors, which have not had their peculiar characteristics sufficiently examined in traditional appraisals of business climates. Based on a series of workshops and consultations organized by AGS in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America, the report reviews existing frameworks for general enabling environment assessments and discusses their relevance to agribusiness and agro-industries. It also discusses the challenges of enabling environment reforms and identifies a number of essential, important and useful enablers that are particularly relevant to agrifood business climate appraisals and upgrading.

Серия: Agribusiness and Food Industries Series, ISSN: 2304-5191 ; №1

Предметни рубрики: агробизнес - райони, селски

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3121e/i3121e00.pdf


Сигнатура: 338.43/FAO DL/Пр 667 ; 2

Organic supply chains for small farmer income generation in developing countries [Text] : case studies in India, Thailand, Brazil, Hungary and Africa, 2013

Анотация: Despite the increasing attention given to organic supply chains over the past decade, there are still significant market opportunities to pursue. The demand for organic products in developing countries continues to grow and price premiums for organic certified products are available, albeit not comparable with those of a decade or so ago. This paper focuses on case studies on organic rice in India and Thailand, horticulture products in Brazil and Hungary, and coffee and fruit in African countries. It first summarizes findings on the marketing, financing, post-harvest and value-added components of these organic ventures and then provides conclusions and recommendations for policy-makers, the private sector and support organizations for the future development of organic supply chains in developing countries.

Серия: Agribusiness and Food Industries Series, ISSN: 2304-5191 ; №2

Предметни рубрики: биологично земеделие - Развиващи се страни ; органични хранимаркетинг ; биоземеделие

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3122e/i3122e.pdf


Област на знанието: Право. Правни науки

Сигнатура: 34/FAO DL/Пр 642 ; 108

Pro-poor legal and institutional frameworks for urban and peri-urban agriculture [Text],  2012

Анотация: This legislative study aims to promote an understanding of the key elements and issues to be addressed by a pro-poor legal and institutional framework for the practice of urban and peri-urban agriculture. Several case studies from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Ghana, and Uganda are included to this end. It is hoped that this study will provide guidance to national legislators, ministers and administrations, mayors and other municipal officials, as well as lawyers involved in drafting legislation and regulations or advising on, or advocating for, better legal frameworks for urban and peri-urban agriculture.

Серия: FAO Legislative Studies, ISSN: 1014-6679 ; №108

Предметни рубрики: селско стопанство – законодателство - райони, градски ; селско стопанство, градско ; селско стопанство, крайградско

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3021e/i3021e.pdf


Област на знанието: Природа. Опазване на околната среда

Сигнатура: 502/FAO DL T 44/31073

The Youth Guide to Biodiversity [Text],  2013

Анотация: This book is covering almost all topics a Biodiversity  genetic and species biodiversity, marine and agricultural biodiversity to international agreements and even what actions each can take to save Biodiversity.

Предметни рубрики: биоразнообразие – опазване – ръководства ; устойчиво развитие

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3157e/i3157e.pdf


Област на знанието: Зоология

Сигнатура: 597/FAO DL/Пр 616

Field identification guide to the living marine resources of the Eastern and Southern Mediterranean [Text], 2012

Резюме: This field guide covers major animal groups of the southern and eastern Mediterranean Sea, including crustaceans, mollusks, sea urchins, fishes, sea turtles and marine mammals that can be encountered in fisheries landings, on the market, or at sea. Each species accounts includes scientific nomenclature, FAO common names, size, habitat and biology, importance to fisheries, and distribution, as well as annotated illustrations highlighting relevant diagnostic features. Tables comprising vernacular names from the countries covered by the guide are also included.

Серия: FAO Species Identification Guides for Fishery Purp, ISSN: 1020-6868

Предметни рубрики: риби - Средиземно море ; биогеография ; Източно Средиземноморие ; Западно Средиземноморие


Сигнатура: 593.9/FAO DL/Пр 638 ; 6

Commercially important sea cucumbers of the world [Text], 2012

Резюме: Sea cucumbers are exploited and traded in more than 70 countries worldwide. This book provides identification information on 58 species of sea cucumbers that are commonly exploited in artisanal and industrial fisheries around the world. It is intended for fishery managers, scientists, trade officers and industry workers.

Серия: FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes, ISSN: 1020-8682 ; №6

Предметни рубрики: иглокожи - морска краставица – видове ; местообитания ; животни, водни – биология ; риболов, морски – света ; риболов, промишлен


Област на знанието: Хигиена на храненето

Сигнатура: 613.2/FAO DL/Пр 588 ; 92

Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition [Text] : report of an FAO expert consultation, 31 March-2 April 2011, Auckland, New Zealand, 2013

Резюме: In 1989 the joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Protein Quality Evaluation recommended the use of the Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) method for evaluating protein quality. In calculating PDCAAS the limiting amino acid score (i.e. the ratio of the first-limiting amino acid in a gram of target food protein to that in a reference protein or requirement value) is multiplied by protein digestibility, with the intention of assessing how well dietary protein can match the demand for amino acids, and allowing the prediction of dietary protein utilisation. The PDCAAS method has now been in use for some 20 years and has proved to be of considerable value in practice. Nevertheless, limitations of PDCAAS have been recognised and debated, and new research findings have accumulated, whereby it has become timely to review the adequacy of PDCAAS and its application vis-a-vis other methods of estimating dietary protein quality.

Серия: FAO Food and Nutrition Paper, ISSN: 0254-4725 ; №92

Предметни рубрики: храненехигиена ; протеини ; хранителни протеини

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/ag/humannutrition/35978-02317b979a686a57aa4593304ffc17f06.pdf


Сигнатура: 613.2/FAO DL/Пр II 137 ; 12

Residue evaluation of certain veterinary drugs [Text] : Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives, 75 Meeting, Rome, Italy, 8-17 November 2011, 2012

Резюме: This document contains monographs on residue evaluations of certain veterinary drugs, prepared at the seventy-fifth meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), which was held in Rome, Italy form 8 to 17 November 2011. Four substances were evaluated for the first time for the animal species concerned - amoxicillin, apramycin, derquantel and monepantel. Three subtances were reassessed, monensin, narasin and triclabendzole. This publication and other documents produced by JECFA contain information that is useful to those who work with or are involved with recommending or controlling maximum residue limits for veterinary drugs in foods of animal origins.

Серия: FAO JECFA monographs, ISSN: 1817-7077 ; №12

Предметни рубрики: храни – безопасност ; храни, животински - остатъчни вещества - лекарства


Сигнатура: 613.2/FAO DL G 94/31091

Guidance note: integrating the right to adequate food into food and nutrition security programmes [Text], 2013

Резюме: his Guidance Note is a practical tool for practitioners who want to integrate the right to food into food and nutrition security programmes. It briefly explains the conceptual, legal and operational dimensions of the right to food. The Guidance Note then looks at four key entry points for integrating the right to food into food and nutrition security programmes: roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, legal aspects, monitoring, and recourse and claim mechanisms. It uses specific examples and cases to illustrate how this can be done.

Предметни рубрики: храни – безопасност ; прехрана ; права на човека - право на храна ; хранене - хигиена

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3154e/i3154e.pdf


Област на знанието: Ветеринарна медицина

Сигнатура: 619:616.986/FAO DL/Пр 582 ; 176

Lessons from HPAI [Text] : a technical stocktaking of outputs, outcomes, best practices and lessons learned from the fight against highly pathogenic avian influenza in Asia 2005-2011,  2013

Анотация: The lessons learned, which are covered in this article, include those relating to politics, coordination, surveillance, epidemiology, laboratory capacity, biosecurity, socio-economics and communication.

Серия: FAO Animal Production and Health Paper, ISSN: 0254-6019; №176

Предметни рубрики: птици - инфекциозни болести - птичи грип ; биосигурност ; животни - здравеопазване


Сигнатура: 619:616.92/.93/FAO DL/Пр 666 ; 33, 34

Tsetse and trypanosomosis information [Text] : parts 1-2(2010), 1-2(2011) ; number 16037-16293,  2013

Резюме: The Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Information periodical has been established to disseminate current information on all aspects of tsetse and trypanosomosis research and control to institutions and individuals involved in the problems of African trypanosomosis. This service forms an integral part of the Programme Against African Trypanosomosis (PAAT) and is jointly sponsored by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources of the African Union (AU-IBAR), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Research Department for Livestock Production and Veterinary Medicine of the Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement (CIRAD-EMVT) and the British GovernmentТs Department for International Development (DFID).

Предметни рубрики: паразитология ; муха цеце – Африка ; трипанозомиаза ; тропически болести


Сигнатура: 619:616.92/.93/FAO DL/Пр 666 ; 35/1

Tsetse and trypanosomosis information [Text] : number 16037-16293,  2013

Предметни рубрики: паразитология ; муха цеце – Африка ; трипанозомиаза ; тропически болести

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3145e/i3145e00.pdf


Област на знанието: Обща енергетика. Използване на биологическа енергия

Сигнатура: 620.95/FAO DL B 60/31077

Biofuels and the sustainability challenge [Text] : a global assessment of sustainability issues, trends and policies for biofuels and related feedstocks, 2013

Резюме: Biofuels global emergence in the last two decades is met with increased concerns over climate change and sustainable development. This report addresses the core issue of biofuel sustainability of biofuels and related feedstocks, drawing from a wide range of sustainability related studied, reports, policy initiatives. The report critically examines the economic, environmental and social sustainability dimensions of biofuels and reviews the major certification initiatives, schemes and regulations. In doing so, the report relies on extensive review of a number of country case studies covering a broad range of current biofuel-feedstocks systems.

Предметни рубрики: биогорива - устойчиво развитие

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3126e/i3126e.pdf


Област на знанието: Селско стопанство

Сигнатура: 63/FAO DL C 88/31083

Credit guarantee systems for agriculture and rural enterprise development [Text], 2013

Резюме: Credit guarantee systems for agriculture and rural enterprise development takes a fresh and unbiased look at the application and results of guarantee funds for agricultural and rural enterprise development. In order to address the need for increased investment in agriculture and agribusiness, there is renewed interest in using guarantee systems investment to attract finance and investment towards target groups and agro-industries, including small and medium enterprises, that are too risky for adequate financing without such risk-sharing incentives. The document serves to inform development agencies and policy-makers on current practices and experiences, so that they can apply this information to their decision-making regarding whether or not and/or how best to promote guarantee mechanisms that are effective and sustainable.

Предметни рубрики: селскостопанство – кредити - райони, селски ; земеделие – инвестиции ; управление на риска

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3123e/i3123e00.pdf


Сигнатура: 63/FAO DL/Пр 627

The State of Food and Agriculture 2012 [Text]: [Investing in agriculture for a better future], 2012

Резюме: Investing in agriculture is essential for reducing hunger and promoting sustainable agricultural production. Those parts of the world where agricultural capital per worker and public investments in agriculture have stagnated are the epicentres of poverty and hunger today. Demand growth over the coming decades will place increasing pressure on the natural resource base. Government investment in agriculture is a crucial component of providing an enabling environment for private investments in the sector. Governments need to channel scarce public funds towards the provision of essential public goods with high economic and social returns.

Серия: FAO Agriculture Series, ISSN: 0081-4539

Предметни рубрики: селско стопанство - инвестиции, държавни ; земеделие ; прехрана ; селскостопанска политика

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3028e/i3028e.pdf


Област на знанието: Горско стопанство

Сигнатура: 630/FAO DLр 591 ; 169

Global forest land-use change 1990-2005 [Text], 2012

Резюме: This report presents the key findings on forest land use and land-use change between 1990 and 2005 from FAO's 2010 Global Forest Resources Assessment Remote Sensing Survey. It is the first report of its kind to present systematic estimates of global forest land use and change. The ambitious goal of the Remote Sensing Survey was to use remote sensing data to obtain globally consistent estimates of forest area and changes in tree cover and forest land use between 1990 and 2005. This report is the result of many years of planning and three years of detailed work by staff at FAO and the European Commission Joint Research Centre, with inputs from technical experts from more than 100 countries. Many of these contributors now constitute a valuable global network of forest remote sensing and land-use expertise.

Серия: FAO Forestry Paper, ISSN: 0258-6150; №: 169

Предметни рубрики: горски фонд - промяна на предназначение – доклади ; горски площи ; гори – ресурси - света


Сигнатура: 630/FAO DL F 75/31052

Forests and water [Text] : international momentum and action, 2013

Резюме: A key challenge faced by land, forest and water managers is to maximize the wide range of forest benefits without detriment to water resources and ecosystem function. This is particularly relevant in the context of adaptation to climate change, which increasingly reinforces the importance of sustainable forest management. As part of the follow-up to the Shiga Declaration and to the Warsaw Resolution 2, many events on forests and water were organized by FAO and other institutions between 2008 and 2011. Presenting experiences ranging from research to project implementation worldwide, these events provided new, up-to-date insight into the topic as well as important recommendations for the way forward. FAO took the initiative of synthesizing the main outcomes and recommendations resulting from this process to develop a comprehensive and practical international forests and water agenda to address future course of action.

Предметни рубрики: водиресурси ; водни екосистеми ; горско стопанство - устойчиво развитие - света

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3129e/i3129e.pdf


Област на знанието: Земеделие

Сигнатура: 631.4/FAO DL S 81/II 3437

Global soil partnership technical report [Text]: state of the art report on global and regional soil information: Where are we? Where to go?, 2013 [Text], 2013

Резюме: Under the current challenges of food security, climate change adaptation and mitigation, further provision of ecosystem services and sustainable intensification of agriculture, soil information becomes fundamental to guide wise policies and decisions. This document reviews the present availability of soil information from legacy maps and reports and from ongoing Digital Soil Mapping efforts.

Предметни рубрики: земеделие ; устойчиво земеделие ; почви - картографиране

Пълен текст: http://typo3.fao.org/fileadmin/templates/nr/kagera/Documents/Soil_information_Report.pdf


Сигнатура: 631/FAO DL/Пр 620 ; 17

Conservation agriculture and sustainable crop intensification [Text]: a Zimbabwe case study, 2012

Резюме: This publication describes the experiences of introducing and promoting CA as a practice for sustainable crop production intensification in farming communities across Zimbabwe by various stakeholders such as the Ministry of Agriculture, NGOs, FAO, CIMMYT and ICRISAT. The case study explains the adoption process and shows the impact of CA in terms of agricultural production, environment and ecosystem services, livelihoods and other socio-economic factors. The case study is directed to policy makers, scientists and environmentalists and should help decision making towards sustainable intensification concepts for agriculture.

Серия: Integrated crop management, ISSN: 1020-4555 ; №17

Предметни рубрики: земеделие ; устойчиво земеделие ; селско стопанство - устойчиво развитие - Зимбабве

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/ag/ca/CA-Publications/17_ZIMBABWE_LR.pdf


Област на знанието: Животновъдство

Сигнатура: 636/639.082/FAO DL/Пр II 158 ; 51

Animal Genetic Resources [Text] : an international journal = Ressources Genetiques Animales = un journal international, 2012

Резюме: Progress in the implementation of the Global Plan of Action is overseen by the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. In line with the reporting schedule agreed by the Commission, FAO has recently produced a document entitled Synthesis progress report on the implementation of the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources - 2012, which was presented to the Seventh Session of the Commission's Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in October 2012. The report includes a set of indicators of progress in implementing various elements of the Global Plan of Action.

Серия: Animal Genetic Resources, ISSN: 2078-6336, №51

Предметни рубрики: животни - генетични ресурси - света

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3035t/i3035t.pdf


Сигнатура: 636/FAO DL/Пр 582 ; 175

Enhancing animal welfare and farmer income through strategic animal feeding [Text] : some case studies, 2013

Резюме: Animal welfare includes the combination of both physical and mental well-being. A properly balanced diet and water supplied in adequate amounts avoid physical and psychological suffering from hunger and thirst; furthermore correct nutrition is crucial for optimal performance and to sustain optimal fitness. So far little attention has been paid to understand the linkages between animal nutrition and animal welfare. Farmers find it difficult to adopt practices that promote animal welfare without having sound information on the impact of such practices on animal productivity and their income. This AGA Paper presents a series of case studies to document existing practices that enhance animal welfare as well as farmersТ incomes. It is hoped that the information contained will encourage researchers and agencies working in the area of animal welfare to initiate studies to capture the impact of any intervention on farmersТ incomes Ц an area that has been neglected to date. It is also envisaged that these studies could pave the way for developing guidelines and policy options to promote sustainable animal feeding that enhances animal welfare, animal productivity, animal product quality and  profitability.

Серия: FAO Animal Production and Health Paper, ISSN: 0254-6019; №175

Предметни рубрики: животнихраненедиетика ; животни - грижи ; животни - хуманно отношение ; животни - благосъстояние

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3164e/i3164e00.pdf


Сигнатура: 638.4/FAO DL/Пр 590 ; 205

Carlos Caceres … [et al.]. The FAO/IAEA spreadsheet for designing and operation of insect mass rearing facilities [Text] : procedures manual, 2012

Резюме: The sterile insect technique has in many countries become an important control tactic for integration in area-wide integrated pest management programmes against fruit flies of economic importance. This document combines an interactive spread sheet on Excel on a CD Rom and a procedure manual to assist in technical and economic decision making with the design, costing, construction, equipping and operating of such mass-rearing facilities.

Серия: FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper, ISSN: 0259-2517; №205

Предметни рубрики: насекоми, полезни - плодова мушица - отглеждане


Област на знанието: Мляко, месо и други продукти на животновъдството

Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL/Пр II 142 ; 547

Improving biosecurity through prudent and responsible use of veterinary medicines in aquatic food production [Text], 2012

Резюме: The FAO/AAHRI Expert Workshop on Improving Biosecurity through Prudent and Responsible Use of Veterinary Medicines in Aquatic Food Production was convened in Bangkok, Thailand, from 15 to 18 December 2009, in order to understand the current status of the use of antimicrobials in aquaculture and to discuss the concerns and impacts of their irresponsible use on human health, the aquatic environment and trade. Safe and effective veterinary medicines need to be available for efficient aquaculture production, and their use should be in line with established principles on prudent use to safeguard public and animal health. The use of such medicines should be part of national and on-farm biosecurity plans and in accordance with an overall national policy for sustainable aquaculture.

Серия: FAO fisheries and aquaculture technical paper, ISSN: 2070-7010, №574

Предметни рубрики: аквакултура - устойчиво развитие ; рибни продукти – лекарства - биологична сигурност

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/016/ba0056e/ba0056e.pdf


Област на знанието: Риболовство. Рибно стопанство

Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL N 82/I 2092

North Atlantic batoids and chimaeras relevant to fisheries management [Text] : a pocket guide,  2012

Резюме: This pocket guide presents a fully illustrated identification guide to a selection of batoid and chimaera species of the North Atlantic, encompassing FAO Fishing Areas 21 and 27. It includes 33 species of batoids and 3 chimaeras selected as being most relevant to commercial fisheries, vulnerable to exploitation due to their life history characteristics, or taken in large numbers as discarded bycatch. Information under each species account includes FAO common names, local names, scientific names, FAO 3-alpha codes, color illustrations of the species dorsal or lateral view (and often anatomical details), main field markings and diagnostic features, and size and main distinctive characters of similar species occurring in the area. The guide also includes a photograph of the species, and information on fisheries, fishing methods, EU, non-EU and RFMO regulations in force in 2012, geographic distribution, conservation status, whether the species is prohibited, zones of occurrence and maximum depth of commonly caught specimens. The pocket guide aims to provide a quick reference and identification tool to the batoids and chimaeras of the North Atlantic. The pocket format and the plastic support make it an easy-to-carry tool that can be used in wet environments and underwater.

Предметни рубрики: риболовство - скатове - устойчиво развитие - Антлантически океан ; риби, морски


Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL N 82/I 2093

North Atlantic sharks relevant to fisheries management [Text] : a pocket guide,  2012

Резюме: This pocket guide presents a fully illustrated identification guide to a selection of shark species of the North Atlantic, encompassing FAO Fishing Areas 21 and 27. It includes 38 species selected as being most relevant to commercial fisheries, vulnerable to exploitation due to their life history characteristics, or taken in large numbers as discarded bycatch. Information under each species account includes FAO common names, local names, scientific names, FAO 3-alpha code, a color illustration of the species lateral view (and often anatomical details), main field markings and diagnostic features, and size and main distinctive characters of similar species occurring in the area. The guide also includes a photograph of the species, and information on fisheries, fishing methods, EU, non-EU and RFMO regulations in force in 2012, geographic distribution, conservation status, whether the species is prohibited, if the fins are marketed, zones of occurrence and maximum depth of commonly caught specimens. The pocket guide aims to provide a quick reference and identification tool to the sharks of the North Atlantic. The pocket format and the plastic support make it an easy-to-carry tool that can be used in wet environments and underwater.

Предметни рубрики: риболовство - акули - устойчиво развитие - Антлантически океан ; риби, морски


Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL E 11/31084

EAF Toolbox [Text] : the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries,  2012

Резюме: The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) has been adopted by the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) as the appropriate and practical way to fully implement the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, including the ecological, social and economic elements of sustainability, thus addressing the main pillars of Sustainable Development. Special attention is also placed on governance as key to realizing human and environmental sustainability goals. The EAF Toolbox has been designed to guide users through four main EAF management planning and implementation steps.

Предметни рубрики: риболовство - устойчиво развитие ; екосистеми, водни - опазване


Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL S 14/II 3434

Safety Recommendations for Decked Fishing Vessels of Less than 12 metres in Length and Undecked Fishing Vessels [Text],  2012

Резюме: The purpose of the Safety Recommendations contained in this publication is to provide information on the design, construction, equipment, training and protection of the crews of small fishing vessels with a view to promoting the safety of the vessel and the safety and health of the crews. The Safety Recommendations may also serve as a guide for those concerned with the safety of vessels used in support of aquaculture activities.

Предметни рубрики: риболовство ; кораби, риболовнибезопасност ; риболовни съдове

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3108e/i3108e.pdf


Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL/Пр II 142 ; 557

Review of tropical reservoirs and their fisheries [Text] : Review of tropical reservoirs and their fisheries,  2011

Резюме: This technical paper reviews the knowledge accumulated in reservoirs in three very different tropical systems: northern India and Pakistan in the Indus and Ganges systems, Lake Nasser in the Nile River Basin and Lake Volta in the Volta River Basin. Data and information on hydrological, biophysical and limnological features, primary production, fish and fisheries were compiled from grey and published literature providing a baseline against to describe and analyze the ecological changes that have taken place since impoundment. It discusses changes in fish catch in relation to climatic variations, ecological succession and fishing effort and proposes that next steps should be to develop indicators describing the different ecological and economic processes influencing fisheries catches and to organize monitoring systems around those indicators.

Серия: FAO fisheries and aquaculture technical paper, ISSN: 2070-7010; №: 557

Предметни рубрики: рибовъдство - водоеми, вътрешни ; запаси, рибни ; хидротехнически съоръженияреки - устойчиво развитие ; езера

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/015/i1969e/i1969e.pdf


Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL/Пр 607 ; 91

Elasmobranchs of the Mediterranean and Black Sea [Text] : status, ecology and biology bibliographic analysis,  2012

Резюме: In this document, the authors have compiled published information on taxonomy, distribution, status, statistics, fisheries, bycatch, biologic and ecologic parameters on age and growth, food and feeding habits, reproductive biology and stock assessment of elasmobranchs in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. Recommendations to fill gaps in order to protect and manage elasmobranchs srocks are proposed. Moreover, problems encountered by elasmobranchs in the GFCM area are highlighted and conservation measures are suggested.

Серия: General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean : Studies and Review, ISSN: 1020-9549; №: 91

Предметни рубрики: риболовство - Средиземно море ; риболовство - Черно море ; устойчиво развитие ; риби - екология

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3097e/i3097e.pdf


Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL/Пр 607 ; 92

Review of jellyfish blooms in the Mediterranean and Black Sea [Text],  2013

Резюме: In the last decade, media reports of increasingly high number of gelatinous plankton blooms have increased with thousands of tourists stung, fisheries harmed or even impaired by jellyfish that eat fish eggs and larvae, and coastal plants stopped by gelatinous masses. It is clear that a new type of human approach to marine ecosystems is needed to confront phenomena such as jellyfish blooms. This document provides an updated overview of this phenomenon in the Mediterranean and Black Sea and illustrates how the problem is affecting societies. It reviews current knowledge on gelatinous plankton in the affected region, providing a framework for its inclusion into fisheries science and the management of human activities such as tourism and coastal development. Fact sheets on the most important gelatinous plankters of the Mediterranean and Black Seas are included as an appendix. This document stems from the Workshop on Algal and Jellyfish Blooms in the Mediterranean and Black Sea, organized by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) in Istanbul (Turkey) 6-8 October 2010.

Серия: General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean : Studies and Review, ISSN: 1020-9549; №: 92

Предметни рубрики: риболовство - Средиземно море ; риболовство - Черно море ; медузи ; екосистеми, морски ; желеобразен планктон

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3169e/i3169e.pdf


Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL/Пр 607 ; 93

Indicators for sustainable aquaculture in Mediterranean and Black Sea countries [Text] : guide for the use of indicators to monitor sustainable development of aquaculture,  2013

Резюме: This publication provides guidance for the use of indicators to monitor the sustainable development of aquaculture in Mediterranean and Black Sea countries. It mainly draws upon the outcomes of the activities carried out within the InDAM project on "Indicators for Sustainable Development of Aquaculture and Guidelines for their use in Mediterranean", funded by the European Commission Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE), as well as the outputs of other projects and initiatives dealing with Mediterranean aquaculture sustainability. InDAM has been carried out in support to the Working Group on Sustainability in Aquaculture (WGSA) of the GFCM Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ). The publication was prepared by the GFCM Secretariat in close collaboration with coordinators and experts of the WGSA, the Working Group on Marketing on Aquaculture (WGMA), the Working Group on Site Selection and Carrying Capacity (WGSC), the Infomation System for Promotion of Aquaculture (SIPAM), as well as other experts involved in projects and research activities on indicators for sustainable aquaculture and key skateholders.

Серия: General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean : Studies and Review, ISSN: 1020-9549; №: 93

Предметни рубрики: риболовство - Средиземно море ; риболовство - Черно море ; устойчиво развитие ; устойчиви аквакултури - мониторинг

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3194e/i3194e.pdf


Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL/Пр II 143 ; 1012

Report of the thirtieth session of the Committee on Fisheries. Rome, 9-13 July 2012 [Text],  2013

Резюме: The thirtieth session of the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) was held in Rome, Italy, from 9 to 13 July 2012. The Committee reviewed the issues of an international character and the FAO programme in fisheries and aquaculture and their implementation.

Серия: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report, ISSN: 2070-6987; №: 1012

Предметни рубрики: риболовство - неправителствени организации – документи ; аквакултури

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/cofi/28868-08d89e67cab4794708d710de7bc4428cc.pdf


Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL/Пр II 143 ; 1028

Report of the twenty-seventh Session of the European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission, Hameenlinna, Finland, 24-26 October 2012 [Text],  2013

Резюме: The twenty-seventh Session of the European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission (EIFAAC) was held in Hameenlinna, Finland, from 24 to 26 October 2012. The Session reviewed EIFAAC's intersessional achievements since the last Session in 2010 which included inter alia the approval by the FAO Council of the change of name from EIFAC to EIFAAC to include aquaculture and of the revised Statutes of EIFAAC, finalization and adoption of the amended EIFAAC Rules of Procedure, and the progress made on technical and scientific issues through the EIFAAC projects. The EIFAAC Strategy Plan for 2012Ц2016 was adopted. The twenty-eighth Session will be held in 2014.

Серия: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report, ISSN: 2070-6987; №: 1028

Предметни рубрики: риболовство - неправителствени организации – Европа ; аквакултури

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/mf336e/mf336e.pdf



Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL/Пр II 144 ; 18

Science and management of small pelagics [Text] : Symposium on Science and the Challenge of Managing Small Pelagic Fisheries on Shared Stocks in Northwest Africa, Casablanca, Morocco, 11-14 March = Science et amenagement des petits pelagiques : Symposium sur la science et le defi de l'amenagement des pecheries de petits pelagiques sur les stocks partages en Afrique nord-occidentale, Casablanca, Maroc, mars 2008, 2012

Резюме: These Proceedings contain the main papers and presentations of the Symposium on Science and the Challenge of Managing Small Pelagic Fisheries on Shared Stocks in Northwest Africa that was held in Casablanca, Morocco, from 11-14 March 2008. The four themes addressed by the Symposium were: resources and exploitation-biology and ecology of main resources and status of fisheries; dynamics and variability of pelagic fish populations and environmental influences; methods and models for assessing small pelagic fish stocks; management of fisheries on shared resources. These Proceedings present a summary of the various sessions as well as on the outcomes of the discussion.

Серия: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings, ISSN: 2070-6103; №: 18

Предметни рубрики: риболовство - риби, дънни ; риболов, морскиуправление ; пелагични риби

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i2523b/i2523b.pdf


Сигнатура: 639.2/FAO DL/Пр II 156 ; 1059

Fishing vessel execution of acoustic surveys of deep-sea species: main issues and way forward [Text], 2012

Резюме: The topics considered by this workshop included the conditions required at sea for successful fishing-vessel deepwater acoustics surveys, the equipment to be used and its maintenance, processing of data, the problems arising from uncertainty in the backscattering cross sectionÖbiomass relation, survey methods, the estimation of biomass abundance and the associated uncertainties, the nature of supplementary biological data that are required for interpretation of acoustic information, use of the results, funding of survey programmes and recommendations for considerations in implementation of fishing-vessel executed deepwater acoustic surveys.

Серия: FAO Fisheries and Acvaculture Circular, ISSN: 2070-6065; №:1059

Предметни рубрики: риболов, морски ; риболовни кораби - акустични изследвания ; аквакултури - дълбоководни видове

Пълен текст: http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i2522e/i2522e.pdf