Khordadmehr, M., V. R. Ranjbar, P. Shahbazi & M. Zeinoddin, 2018. Co-infection of sarcocystis sp. and Hadjelia truncata in fantail pigeons (Columba livia domestica). Bulg. J. Vet. Med., 21, No 1, 115–121.


DOI: 10.15547/bjvm.995


Hadjelia truncata belongs to the family Habronematidae which affects different groups of birds such as Columbiformes. A large number of Sarcocystis sp. may infect birds as intermediate hosts, but wild Columbiformes, include pigeons, are rarely affected. The present study describes mixed infection of two pigeon flocks with sarcocystosis and nematodiasis (H. truncata) which had neurologic and gastrointestinal clinical signs. The common clinical signs included progressive weight loss, pectoral muscle atrophy, white diarrhoea, depression, torticollis, paralysis, trembling, and 23.4% mortality. At necropsy, a large number of nematodes were detected in the gizzards and diagnosed as H. truncata in parasitological studies. For greater certainty, histopathological examination was conducted routinely. Different development stage of this nematode associated with severe inflammatory cells infiltration and necrosis were observed in tissue sections. Accidentally, the large number of sarcocystis cysts was observed in tunica muscularis mucosa of gizzard associated with infiltration of inflammatory cells, hyaline degeneration and necrosis around degenerated cysts.

Key words: gizzard, Hadjelia truncata, inflammatory cells, pigeon, sarcocystosis